This documentation is for WSO2 Data Services Server 3.0.0. View documentation for the latest release.

Installing Features

The manual way of provisioning Carbon is dropping bundles and configuration files that belong to a feature. This method is not recommended since it can cause errors. Besides, finding the exact set of components and configurating files is a complex task. Components have inter-dependencies with other components. Some components depend on specific versions of other components.

In order to overcome these issues, WSO2 has Equinox P2 integrated with Carbon. It enables user-friendly provisioning capabilities by allowing users to download WSO2 Carbon or any other WSO2 product and simply extend them by installing various features.

Follow the instructions below to install new features to any product of the WSO2 products stack.

1. Log on to the product's Management Console and select Features from the Configure menu.

For example,

2. The Feature Management page opens. 

The Available Features tab allows you to search for available features in repositories. You can select a repository from the drop-down menu. If there is no added repository, refer to section Managing the feature repository to add one.

The following options can be selected.

Show only the latest versions

Some repositories contain multiple versions of features. If you are only interested in the latest versions, click the Show only the latest versions option.

Group features by category

A feature category is a logical grouping of the features which constitute a particular Carbon-based product. The "Group features by category" option enables you to easily view and select the entire list of features of a particular product at once. For example, the features required to install WSO2 Data Services Server is grouped under the 'Data Service Server' feature category as shown below.

If you uncheck this option when finding features, you will see an uncategorized, flat feature list from which individual features can be selected separately.

3. Once the repository and options are selected, click the Find Features button.

4. You will see a list of all the features. Select the ones you want to add by marking them using check-boxes.


To find a particular feature, you can use the search function. Enter the name of a feature (or a part of the name) and press Enter. 

This search will return only Available Features; excluding the ones already installed.

5. Once done, click Install.

6. The Install Details window appears.Verify the provided information and click Next.

7. Read and accept the terms of license agreement.

8. The installation process starts. It may take a few minutes to download the necessary components.

Once the installation process is complete, click Finish and restart the server for the changes to take effect.

9. You can see the functionality added by new features in the Management Console. For example, the Databases menu shows when Admin Console feature is installed.

View Feature Information

When features of a repository are loaded, you can install them or view the details of particular ones. To view the details, click on the More Info link associated with each feature. For example,

When the link is clicked, the Feature Information window appears, with the following information:

  • Name
  • Identifier
  • Version
  • Provider
  • Description
  • Copyright
  • License Agreement

Familiarize yourself with the information and click Back to load the previous page. For example,

Copyright © WSO2 Inc. 2005-2013