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Configuring Geolocation Based Statistics

In order to generate Geolocation based statistics, you need to pass an x-forwarded-for header with the relevant IP in the API request.

Note that this document uses MySQL as an example for configuring the GEO_LOCATION_DATA database.

  1. Use the Geolocation dataset that you created here.
  2. Unzip the file you downloaded.

  3. Create required tables in GEO_LOCATION_DATA database by executing one of the scripts given below. In this example, mysql.sql is executed.

    You can choose one of the scripts given below.

    This can be done using the MySQL Workbench.

    For detailed instructions to run the database script, see MySQL Documentation - The Workbench Scripting Shell.

  4. Restore data to the  BLOCKS and LOCATION tables by importing data from the BLOCKS.csv and LOCATION.csv from the .Geolocation Data/data directory of the extracted zip using the commands given below.

    • Importing Geolocation Data/data/ LOCATION .csv 
      mysqlimport -u root -p --ignore-lines=2 --fields-terminated-by=, --fields-optionally-enclosed-by='"' --local GEO_LOCATION_DATA <path_to_folder_location>/GeolocationData/data/LOCATION.csv  

    • Importing Geolocation Data/data/BLOCKS.csv 
      mysqlimport -u root -p --ignore-lines=2 --fields-terminated-by=, --fields-optionally-enclosed-by='"' --local GEO_LOCATION_DATA <Extracted_location>/GeolocationData/data/BLOCKS.csv

  5. Check whether your imported dataset is working properly by executing the following query in the MySQL Command Line.

    SELECT loc.country_name,loc.subdivision_1_name FROM BLOCKS block , LOCATION loc WHERE block.network_blocks = '<Network_part_of_ipv4>' AND
    <Long_value_of_publilc_IP> BETWEEN AND block.broadcast AND block.geoname_id=loc.geoname_id;

    Example query: 

    SELECT loc.country_name,loc.subdivision_1_name FROM BLOCKS block , LOCATION loc WHERE block.network_blocks = '221.192' AND 3720398641 
    BETWEEN AND block.broadcast AND block.geoname_id=loc.geoname_id;
  6. Download a JDBC provider depending on the database you are using (MySQL, in this example), and copy it to the <APIM_ANALYTICS_HOME>/lib directory.
  7. Configure the datasource for the Geo location.
    A default datasource for Geo location is packed by default in the <APIM_ANALYTICS_HOME>/conf/worker/deployment.yaml file under data sources.
    You can edit the following data source to point to his own db and import the geo location data.

        - name: GEO_LOCATION_DATA
          description: "The data source used for geo location database"
            name: jdbc/GEO_LOCATION_DATA
            type: RDBMS
              jdbcUrl: 'jdbc:h2:${sys:carbon.home}/wso2/worker/database/GEO_LOCATION_DATA;AUTO_SERVER=TRUE'
              username: wso2carbon
              password: wso2carbon
              driverClassName: org.h2.Driver
              maxPoolSize: 50
              idleTimeout: 60000
              validationTimeout: 30000
              isAutoCommit: false

For information on how to configure alerts, see Configuring Alerts.