Deploying the API Microgateway in Kubernetes

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Deploying the API Microgateway in Kubernetes

This documentation is for the API Microgateway component that is coupled with WSO2 API Manager 2.6.0.
View the documentation for the latest release - WSO2 API Microgateway 3.0.2.

  1. Start the API Manager and log in to the API Publisher (https://<hostname>:9443/publisher) using admin as the username and password. 
  2. Create an API with the following details:

    FieldSample value
    Namehello_world - v1


    Access ControlAll
    Visibility on StorePublic
    Production URL http://bk.test.com
    Tier AvailabilityGold, Unlimited
    You can create an application that supports JWT tokens, subscribe to the API and get a JWT token to invoke the API.
  3. Create a deployment.toml file enabling Kubernetes deployment, service and config map resources. 

    The config map is used to copy the micro-gw.conf file.

        enable = true
        #name = ''
        #labels = ''
        #replicas = ''
        #enableLiveness = ''
        #initialDelaySeconds = ''
        #periodSeconds = ''
        #livenessPort = ''
        #imagePullPolicy = ''
        #image = ''
        #env = ''
        #buildImage = ''
        #  enable = true
        #  [[kubernetes.kubernetesDeployment.copyFiles.files]]
        #    source = '/home/user/custom_truststore.p12'
        #    target = '/home/ballerina/runtime/bre/security'
        #    isBallerinaConf = false
        #  [[kubernetes.kubernetesDeployment.copyFiles.files]]
        #    source = '/home/user/keystore.p12'
        #    target = '/home/ballerina/runtime/bre/security'
        #    isBallerinaConf = false  
        #dockerHost = ''
        #dockerCertPath = ''
        #push = ''
        #username = ''
        #password = ''
        #baseImage = ''
        #singleYAML = ''
        enable = true
        #name = ''
        #labels = ''
        serviceType = 'NodePort'
        #port = ''
        enable = true
        ballerinaConf = '/home/user/wso2am-micro-gw-toolkit-2.5.0/resources/conf/micro-gw.conf'
        #    name = ''
        #    mountPath = ''
        #    readOnly = false
        #    data = ['']

    Let’s create a project called k8s_project and provide the deployment.toml file as an input.

     Click here to see the description for each parameter...


    ParameterDescriptionDefault value
    nameName of the deployment.<outputfilename>-deployment
    namespaceNamespace of the deployment.null
    labelsThe labels related to the particular deployment."app: <outputfilename>"
    replicasThe number of replicas.1
    dependsOnThe endpoints that the deployment depends on.null
    enableLivenessEnable or disable the liveness probe.false
    initialDelaySecondsThe initial delay in seconds before performing the first probe.10s
    periodSecondsThe time interval between liveness probes in seconds.5s
    livenessPortThe port checked by the liveness probe.<ServicePort>
    imagePullPolicyDocker image pull policy.IfNotPresent
    imageDocker image with tag.<output file name>:latest
    envList of environment variables.null
    buildImageEnable or disable building the Docker image.true
    copyFilesCopy external files for the Docker image.null
    dockerHostDocker host IP and docker PORT.
    E.g. tcp://
    dockerCertPathDocker cert path.null
    pushEnable or disable pushing the Docker image to the registry.
    This can only be enabled if buildImage parameter is set to true.
    usernameUsername for the docker registry.null
    passwordPassword for the docker registry.null
    baseImageBase image to create the docker image.ballerina/ballerina:latest
    imagePullSecretsImage pull secrets value.null
    singleYAMLEnable or disable generating a single yaml file for all k8s resources.false


    ParameterDescriptionDefault value
    nameName of the Service.<service name>-service
    labelsThe labels for the service."app: <outputfilename>"
    serviceTypeThe type of service.ClusterIP
    portThe port used by the service.Port number




    Default value


    Name of the Ingress.

    <service name>-ingress


    The labels for the service.

    "app: <outputfilename>"


    Host name of the Ingress.

    <service name>.com


    Map of additional annotations.



    Resource path.



    This URL will be used to rewrite.



    Ingress class.



    Enable or disable Ingress TLS.





    Default value

    nameName of the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler<service name>-hpa
    labelsThe labels for the service."app: <outputfilename>"
    minReplicasThe minimum number of replicas in the deployment.No of replicas in deployment
    maxReplicasThe maximum number of replicas in the deployment.minReplicas+1
    cpuPrecentageCPU percentage to start scaling.50




    Default value

    nameName of the secret mount.<service_name>-secret
    mountPathPath to the mount on the container.null
    readOnlyDenotes whether the mount is read-only or not.true
    dataPaths to the data files.null




    Default value

    nameName of the config map mount<service_name>-config-map
    mountPathPath to the mount on the containernull
    readOnlyDenotes whether the mount is read-only or not.true
    ballerinaConfLocation of the ballerina conf file.null
    dataPaths to the data files.null




    Default value

    nameName of the secret mount.null
    annotationsThe metadata annotations in the map.null
    mountPathPath to mount on the container.null
    readOnlyDenotes whether the mount is read-only or not.false
    accessModeAccess mode.ReadWriteOnce
    volumeClaimSizeSize of the volume claim.null


    ParameterDescriptionDefault value
    nameName of the job.<output file name>-job
    namespaceNamespace for the job.default
    labelsThe labels for the job."app: <outputfilename>"
    restartPolicyRestart policy for the job.Never
    backoffLimitBackoff limit for the job.3
    activeDeadlineSecondsActive deadline given in seconds.20
    scheduleSchedule for cron jobs.none
    imagePullPolicyDocker image pull policy.IfNotPresent
    imageDocker image with tag.<output file name>:latest
    envList of environment variables.null
    buildImageEnable or disable building the Docker image.true
    dockerHostDocker host IP and docker PORT.
    E.g. tcp://
    dockerCertPathDocker cert path.null
    pushEnable or disable pushing the Docker image to the registry.
    This can only be enabled if buildImage parameter is set to true.
    usernameUsername for the docker registry.null
    passwordPassword for the docker registry.null
    baseImageBase image to create the docker image.ballerina/ballerina:latest
  4. Navigate to the wso2am-micro-gw-toolkit-2.5.0/bin directory and run the following command,

    ./micro-gw setup k8s_project -a hello_world -v v1 --deployment-config deployment.toml

    This commands creates the following folders under the k8s_project folder.

    ├── k8s_project

    │   ├── conf

    │   │ └── deployment-config.toml

    │   ├── src

    │   │ ├── extension_filter.bal

    │   │ ├── hello_world_v1.bal

    │   │ ├── listeners.bal

    │   │ └── policies

    │   │    ├── application_10PerMin.bal

    │   │    ├── application_20PerMin.bal

    │   │    ├── application_50PerMin.bal

    │   │    ├── subscription_Bronze.bal

    │   │    ├── subscription_Gold.bal

    │   │    ├── subscription_Silver.bal

    │   │    ├── subscription_Unauthenticated.bal

    │   │    └── throttle_policy_initializer.bal

    │   ├── target

    │   └── temp

    │       └── hashes.json

  5. Build the project using the following command,

    ./micro-gw build k8s_project

    This generates the following Kubernetes resources.

    ├── k8s_project

    │   └── docker

    │       └── Dockerfile

    ├── k8s_project_config_map.yaml

    ├── k8s_project_deployment.yaml

    └── k8s_project_svc.yaml

    The docker image to be deployed in Kubernetes is created in your local registry. You can find the image k8s_project:latest when you execute the docker images command.

  6. Deploy the docker image in a Kubernetes environment.

    You can push the docker image to the docker hub or to a private docker registry. If you change the docker image name, you need to change the image name in the k8s_project_deployment.yaml file.
  7. You can also SCP the image to the Kubernetes nodes as follows:
    1. Save the docker image to a tar file. For example,

      docker save k8s_project:latest > image.tar
    2. SCP the image to the Kubernetes nodes. For example,

      scp -i <identity file> image.tar username@K8s_NODE_IP:
    3. Load the docker image in the Kubernetes nodes. This needs to be executed in the Kubernetes nodes. For example,

      docker load < image.tar
  8. Deploy the API Microgateway in Kubernetes by deploying the Kubernetes resources using the following command,

    kubectl create -f k8s_project/target/kubernetes/
  9. Access the API in HTTPS using the following details:

    The NodePort service type has been used in Kubernetes. For that service type, you can access the API using any of the Kubernetes node IP addresses and node ports.


    You can use the kubectl get services command to list down the services that run on Kubernetes.

    Node port - 32616

    URL - https://<Any_Kubernetes_Node_IP>:32616/hello/v1/check

    Headers - Authorization Bearer <JWT_TOKEN>

    Method - GET

As JWT is a self-contained access token, the Microgateway does not need to connect to the Key Manager. However, if you are using an Oauth2 access token, point the Microgateway to the Key Manager using the Key Manager details in the micro-gw.conf configuration file of the Microgateway. If you are running Key Manager in Kubernetes, you can provide the Key Manager serverUrl as shown below. The serverUrl has to be accessible from the Microgateway pods.


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