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Viewing API Statistics

API statistics are provided in both the API Publisher and the API Store. First, invoke a few APIs to generate traffic and see the statistics.

The sections below explain how to access the statistical dashboards:

API Publisher statistics

The gadgets that display publisher statistics can only be viewed via users that have permission to create APIs. 

Log in to the API Publisher. Anyone who can create and/or publish APIs can view the API-level usage and subscription statistics by clicking on a selected API and referring to its Versions and Subscriptions tabs. 

Given below are the statistical dashboards that are available from the Analytics menu. 

On each of the dashboards, you can choose to view all APIs.


If you are an API creator, you can either view all the APIs or choose to view only the APIs you have created.

You can also select the date range and time period for which you want to view statistics. 

The date and time picker is bound to the local time of your browser.


Several examples of usage and performance statistics are given below:


Created APIs Over Time

The number of APIs published over a given time period.

API Usage

The number of subscriptions of each API with a graphical view of the count.

API Last Access Times

A tabular representation of the last access times of an API, according to the version and the accessed subscriber.

Usage by Resource Path

The number of invocations made by resources for an API, represented in a tabular view.

Usage by Destination

The number of times an API was accessed based on the destination, represented in a tabular view.

API Usage Comparison

The number of invocations made for an API represented as a combination of all resources and all versions of the API.

API Throttled Requests

The total count of the successful request count and throttled request count towards an API over time.

Faulty Invocations

A successful invocation is when an API receives the expected response. In Analytics, if a runtime exception that is related to the backend communication occurs, it is considered as a faulty invocation. However, authentication related issues are not considered as faulty invocations. The total number of invocations of an API represented as a combination of successful and faulty invocations is denoted in the faulty invocations graph.

API Latency Time

The execution time of an API represented as a combination of throttling, In mediation, Out mediation, backend response time, and authentication time.

Depending on your requirement, you can select Hour, Day, Week, or Month to view latency data hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly. The depth of data you see will vary depending on your selection criteria. You can also see a comparison view of the latencies.

  • If you select to view data hourly, you will see data up to the past hour with a sensitivity of one minute.
  • If you select to view the daily breakdown of data, you will see data up to the past 24 hours with a sensitivity of one hour.

If you select Hour, Day, Week, or Month to view data, you cannot use the time picker to apply time range.

API Usage Across Geo Locations

Geolocation based statistics are used to carryout detailed monitoring of geographic locations. 

The data script that updates statistics related to geo locations is executed once a day. Therefore, at a given time, some statistics generated within the last 24 hours may not be displayed in this gadget.

API Usage Across User Agent

The proportional distribution of the usage (invocation) of each API differentiated by the user agent HTTP header received in requests towards the API.

App Throttled Requests

The successful request count and throttled request count of each API invoked by each application.

Applications Created Over Time

The number of applications created over a given time period.

API Subscriptions

The subscriptions created for each of the APIs as a distribution of API versions.

Developer Signups Over Time

The number of developers who signed up to the API Store over time.

Subscriptions Created Over Time

The number of subscriptions created for an API over a given period.

First, select the API for which you wish to view subscriptions.

API Store statistics

Log in to the API Store. You can self-subscribe to the store. Next, click the Statistics menu.

Given below are the statistical dashboards that are available:

  • API  Usage: The usage of the API per application
  • Top Users: Users who make the most API invocations per application
  • Resource Usage: Usage of an API and from which resource path per application 
  • Faulty Invocations: Number of faulty API invocations per application
    In a faulty API invocation, the message is mediated though the fault sequence. By default, the API Manager considers an API invocation to be faulty when the backend service is unavailable.

Several examples of usage and performance statistics are given below:

API Usage per Application

The number of invocations of each API by each application is denoted in API Usage per Application graph.

Top Users per Application

The users who have done the largest number of API calls by applications are denoted in Top Users per Application graph.

Resource Usage per Application

Usage of resources of the APIs by each application is denoted in Resource Usage per Application graph.

Faulty Invocations per Application

The total number of invocations by each application which are unsucessful (faulty) are denoted in Faulty invocations per Application graph.

Admin Portal Statistics

Availability of APIs

As an admin user, you can can view API availability statistics via the WSO2 API Cloud Admin Dashboard. Follow the steps below to view API availability statistics of all API versions in a tabular format:

  1. Access the WSO2 API Cloud Admin Dashboard via, and sign in with your credentials. 

    Here, the Status can either be Available or Limited.
    • Available - This status indicates that the API has traffic with normal successful invocations. By default, if an API receives successful invocations for at least one out of five invocations within 30000 milliseconds, the status of the API becomes Available.

      This tabular representation only displays the APIs that have traffic.

    • Limited - If an API receives an alert due to one of the reasons indicated in health availability, the API status changes to Limited.

      For more information on how to view the generated alerts, see Viewing Alerts.

    The availability of API statistics is directly related to the health availability alert type.