This site contains the documentation that is relevant to older WSO2 product versions and offerings.
For the latest WSO2 documentation, visit


Features of WSO2 App Manager are described below.

General features

Routing app traffic
  • App authentication using Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML).
  • Enforcing rate limiting and throttling policies for apps by consumer.
  • Horizontally scalable with easy deployment into cluster using proven routing infrastructure.
  • Scalable to millions of users.
  • Captures all statistics and pushes them to a plugged-in analytics system.
  • Configurable App routing policies via the capabilities of WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus.
  • Powered by WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus.
Managing the community
  • Self-sign up for app consumption.
  • Manage user accounts including password reset.
  • User interaction with apps via comments and ratings.
  • Powered by WSO2 Identity Server.
Customizing and extending
  • All components are highly customizable. You can change the styles and themes of the Web interfaces.
  • Storefront implemented with Jaggery ( for easy customization.
  • Pluggable to third-party analytics systems.
  • Pluggable to existing user stores including via JDBC and LDAP.

Web app features

The Web app features of WSO2 App Manager are described below.

Features for publishers

Publishing and governing app usage
  • Publish apps to external consumers and partners, as well as internal users.
  • Manage app versions and deployment status by version.
  • Govern the app lifecycle (publish, deprecate, retire).
  • Attach documentation (files, external URLs) to apps.
  • Apply security policies to apps (authentication, authorization).
  • Associate apps available to system defined service tiers.
  • Track consumers per app.
  • One-click deployment to app gateway for immediate publishing.
Governing complete app lifecycle
  • Manage app lifecycle from cradle to grave: create, publish, reject, deprecate and retire.
  • Powered by WSO2 Governance Registry.
  • Easy administration of resource based access with enterprise subscription.
Monitoring app usage and performance
  • All app usage published to pluggable analytics framework.
  • Out of the box support for WSO2 Business Activity Monitor and Google Analytics.
  • View metrics by user, app and more.
  • Customized reporting via plugging reporting engines.
  • Powered by WSO2 Business Activity Monitor.
Deploying with ease in enterprise settings
  • Role based access control for managing users and their authorization levels.
  • Store front can be deployed in DMZ for external access with Publisher inside the firewall for private control.
  • Different user stores for store-front and internal operations in publisher.
  • Integrates with enterprise identity systems including LDAP and Microsoft Active Directory.
  • Gateway can be deployed in DMZ with controlled access to WSO2 Identity Server (for authentication/authorization) and governance database behind firewall.

Features for consumers

Unified app store
  • Graphical experience similar to Android Marketplace or Apple App Store.
  • Browse apps by provider, tags or name.
  • Self-registration to user community to subscribe to apps.
  • Subscribe to apps and manage subscriptions at a per-user level and enterprise level.
  • Role based access to app store; manage public and private apps.
  • Browse app documentation, download helpers for easy consumption.
  • Comment on and rate apps.
  • Try apps directly on the store front.
Centralized app usage
  • Ability to access all the apps of a user in a centralized single location.
  • Use of single sign-on and single sign-out.
  • Use of federated identity.
  • Multi-tenancy support

Mobile app features

The Web app features of WSO2 App Manager are described below.

Features for publishers

Publishing and governing app usage
  • Publish apps to external consumers and partners, as well as internal users.
  • Publish iOS, Android, Hybrid, and Web apps.
  • Publish enterprise and public apps in Goolge Play Store and Apple iTunes.
  • Manage app versions and deployment status by version.
  • Govern the app lifecycle (publish, deprecate, retire).
Governing complete app lifecycle
  • Manage app lifecycle from cradle to grave: create, publish, reject, deprecate and retire.
  • Powered by WSO2 Governance Registry.
Deploying with ease in enterprise settings
  • Store front can be deployed in DMZ for external access with Publisher inside the firewall for private control.
  • Different user stores for store-front and internal operations in publisher.
  • Integrates with enterprise identity systems including LDAP and Microsoft Active Directory.

Features for consumers

Unified app store
  • Graphical experience similar to Android Marketplace or Apple App Store.
  • Browse apps by provider or name.
  • Self-subscription and self-unsubscription of apps.
  • Enterprise subscription and installation support
  • Rating apps.
  • Directly download mobile apps to mobile devices.
Centralized app usage
  • Ability to access all the apps of a user in a centralized single location.
  • Use of single sign-on and single sign-out.
  • Use of federated identity.
  • Ability to configure with WSO2 device management solutions.
  • Support for third party device management solutions
  • Multi-tenancy support

For information on installing features of any WSO2 component to WSO2 App Manager to extend its functionality, see the Feature Management section of the WSO2 Carbon Documentation.