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Mobile Apps Configurations

The properties of the <MobileAppsConfiguration> element in the <APPM_HOME>/repository/conf/app-manager.xml file defines the configurations for managing and using mobile applications in WSO2 App Manager (APPM) as follows.

		   <Config name="IsCatalog">false</Config>
		   <Config name="EnableDirectDownload">false</Config>	
		   <Config name="EnableMDMOperations">false</Config>
		   <Config name="ActiveMDM">WSO2EMM</Config>
		   <Config name="EnableSelfUnsubscription">false</Config>	
   		   <Config name="EnableSubscriptionFromDevices">false</Config>	
		   <Config name="EnableSampleDevices">false</Config>
		   <Config name="AppDownloadURLHost">%http%</Config>
		   <Config name="IosPlistPath">publisher/api/mobileapp/getplist</Config>
		   <Config name="EnterpriseOperations_Enabled">true</Config>
		   <Config name="EnterpriseOperations_AuthorizedRole">admin</Config>
		   <!-- Please uncommnent this and define the name in ActiveMDM to activate this MDM
		   <MDM name="WSO2MDM" bundle="org.wso2.carbon.appmgt.mdm.othermdm">
			<Property name="serverUrl">https://localhost:9454</Property>

The descriptions of the above properties are as follows.

Enables the catalog mode of the App Store. If you change the value of this to true, the App Store acts as a catalog, which allows you to view apps. However, it doesn't allow you to perform any operations on the apps.
EnableDirectDownloadEnables you to directly download the app to the mobile device from the App Manager without a MDM.
Enables WSO2 AppM to communicate with the active MDM for performing operations on the mobile apps.
Name of the MDM, which is currently active. You need to define the MDM within the <MDMProperties> element. For information on defining a MDM to integrate it with WSO2 AppM, see Integrating a Mobile Device Manager.
Ability for users to self-unsubscribe from mobile apps.
Ability for users to subscribe to mobile apps using mobile devices.
Enables the sample devices for testing purposes.
Host of the installation URL of the mobile app, which is sent to the MDM in the following format: (E.g. %http%, %https%, or a custom host URL)
Path of the Property List file generated using the PLIST template for iOS apps.
Ability to enable the enterprise-wide operations on mobile apps.
The user role, which has the privileges to perform enterprise-wide operations on mobile apps.
The properties of the MDMs you need to connect with WSO2 AppM. For information on defining a MDM to integrate it with WSO2 AppM, see Integrating a Mobile Device Manager.