JNDI Data Sources
First, we need to create a 'JNDI' typed data source. For instructions on creating data sources, refer to section "Data Source Management." Once a JNDI-typed data source is created, follow the instructions below to create a data service using that.
Make sure that the JDBC driver is copied to:
- <PRODUCT_HOME>/repository/components/lib directory
- <PRODUCT_HOME>/repository/components/dropins
For example, cp mysql-connector-java-5.XX-bin.jar /home/user/wso2ds/wso2-dataservices-XX/repository/components/lib.
1. Log on to the product's management console and select "Data Service -> Create" under the "Main" menu.
2. The "Create Data Service" page appears. Fill in the fields and click "Next." The Data Service name is mandatory.
For more information on Advanced Configurations in creating data services, refer to section "Data Service Management -> Transaction Handling."
3. The "Data Sources" page appears. Click on the "Add New Data Source" link and add your Data Source details. Then click "Save."
For a JNDI data source, select the data source type as JNDI Datasource and enter the values that were used to connect to the JNDI-enabled data source created earlier. For example,
4. After saving, the added data source page appears. You can edit or delete the Data Source.
To proceed click "Next."
5. You can continue to add Queries, Operations and Resources. Once the Data Service configuration is done, click "Finish."
6. You will be navigated to the "Deployed services" page.
From here, you can manage your data service. For instructions, refer to section "Service Management."