Batch Request Support

This is the WSO2 Data Services Server documentation version 2.6.3

Batch Request Support

The WSO2 Data Services Server provides capability to support batch requests for operations, which contain multiple parameter sets for a single request. When a data service is created with the batch request mode set, for all the in-only operations (operations which do not have any return value), a corresponding batch operation is also be automatically created. This batch operation takes in an array of parameters, compared to the single parameter list the non-batch operations require.

In order to make an operation supporting batch requests, you first need to enable batch request functionality. Follow the instructions to enable batch request support in data services.


Batch requests can only be used with in-only operations. That is, the query can not have a result element or out-type parameters. Batch requests are typically used with insert operations.

1. Log on to the Data Services Server Management Console.

2. Click the Main tab and select the Create link under Data Services.

3. The Create Data Service page appears. Fill in the fields.

The Data Service name is mandatory. Tick the Enable Batch Requests check box. For example,

4. Continue to add a data source, query and an operation to your data service.The following figures show sample query and operation added.

Adding the Query:

Adding the Operation:

For more information on adding/editing a data service, refer to section: Create a Data Service Using Various Data Sources.

For information on deploying and managing this data service, refer to section: Managing Data Services.

You can test the service using TryIt tool offered in the Data Services Server.