This documentation is for WSO2 Data Services Server 3.0.0. View documentation for the latest release.

XSLT Transformation Sample

When using data services, the user may come across the need to transform the result as they wish. This is handled in WSO2 Data Services Server using XSLT Transformation, where the user can define the transformation in xslt and provide the url of the transformation file in the result element.

The sample data service ExcelSampleService should be deployed using the instructions in Deploying Data Services section.

Running the Sample

The sample service can be run using the TryIt tool, which is bundled with the WSO2 Data Services Server, or a code-generated java client sample as discussed in the Data Services Clients section.

Service Description

The Excel sample data service contains two operations "getProducts" to list all the products that are manufactured in the company, each result record will contain "ID" and "Name" fields. And "getProductClassifications" where to list all the products along with the classifications, which contains two result records which are "Name" and "classification".

Second operation's ("getProductClassifications") actual output has changed as "product-Name" and "product-classification" by using the xslt transformation.

Sample Run

Sample run of the service using the TryIt tool is shown below.

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