This documentation is for WSO2 Data Services Server 3.0.0. View documentation for the latest release.

UDP Transport

The UDP transport implementation is in the Apache WS-Commons Transports project. The following classes implement the Axis2 transport listener and sender APIs respectively.

  • org.apache.axis2.transport.udp.UDPListener
  • org.apache.axis2.transport.udp.UDPSender

The axis2-transport-udp.jar archive file contains the above implementation classes.

To enable the UDP transport for samples, simple open the file repository/conf/axis2.xml in a text editor and add the following transport configurations. UDP transport component is shipped with the WSO2 ESB by default.

<transportReceiver name="udp"/>
 <transportSender name="udp"/>

If you wish to use the sample Axis2 client to send UDP messages, you have to uncomment the UDP transport sender configuration in the samples/axis2Client/client_repo/conf/axis2.xml file.

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