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JMS Support

Java Message Service (JMS) is a widely used API in Java-based Message Oriented Middleware(MOM) applications. It facilitates loosely coupled, reliable, and asynchronous communication between different components of a distributed application.

JMS supports two asynchronous communication models for messaging as follows: 

  • Point-to-point model - In this model message communication happens from one JMS client to another JMS client through a dedicated queue.
  • Publish and subscribe model -  In this model message communication happens from one JMS client(publisher) to many JMS clients(subscribers) through a topic. 

This section provides information on JMS support provided via the ESB Profile of WSO2 Enterprise Integrator (WSO2 EI) along with implementation details of common use cases, a configuration guide as well as a troubleshooting guide. The JMS Usecases section walks you through use cases that include the new messaging features introduced with JMS 2.0.

The ESB Profile of WSO2 EI supports the following messaging features introduced with JMS 2.0:

  • Shared Topic Subscription
  • JMSX Delivery Count
  • JMS Message Delivery Delay