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Triggering Messages

Messages come into the ESB profile of WSO2 Enterprise Integrator (WSO2 EI) through the following message entry points:

  • REST APIs - REST APIs accept REST messages that allow clients to provide additional information on how to manage the message in the ESB profile.
  • Proxy Services - A proxy service receives messages that are then sent to a specific endpoint.
  • Inbound Endpoints - An inbound endpoint injects a message directly from the transport layer to the mediation layer, without going through the Axis2 engine.
  • Tasks - A task injects a message into the ESB profile at a scheduled interval.

When the ESB profile receives a message, it sends it either to a proxy service or to the Main sequence for handling. The proxy or sequence is configured with message mediation, which controls how the message will be transformed, filtered, forwarded, etc.Â