Analyzing Business Process Statistics

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Analyzing Business Process Statistics

The Analytics dashboard of WSO2 Enterprise Integrator (WSO2 EI) is used for publishing information related to message mediation as well as long-running business processes. Message mediation statistics are generated from the ESB profile of WSO2 EI and the statistics of long-running business processes are generated from the Business Process profile.

In this tutorial, you use the Analytics Dashboard to view the statistics related to the appointment cancellation process that was carried out in the previous tutorial.

Before you begin,

  1. Install Oracle Java SE Development Kit (JDK) version 1.8.* and set the JAVA_HOME environment variable.
  2. If you are running on Windows, download the snappy-java_1.1.1.7.jar from here and copy the JAR file to the <EI_HOME>\lib directory.
  3. Download the WSO2 EI ZIP file from here, and then extract the ZIP file. The path to this folder will be referred to as <EI_HOME> through out this tutorial.

  4. Download the CAR file that contains the ESB artifacts from here.
  5. Download the BAR file that contains the business process artifacts from here.
  6. Download the MSF4J service from here and copy the JAR file to <EI_HOME>/wso2/msf4j/deployment/microservices folder. The back-end service is now deployed in the MSF4J profile of WSO2 EI.

Let's get started!

Configuring WSO2 EI to analyze business processes

Follow the steps given below to deploy the Analytics artifacts required for collecting statistics related to a long-running business process.

  1. Start the Analytics profile of WSO2 EI. See Starting EI Analytics.
  2. Open the management console of the Analytics profile using https://localhost:9444/carbon, and log in using admin as the username as well as the password.
  3. Go to the Main -> Carbon Applications section, click Add to open the Add Carbon Applications page. 
  4. Click Choose File and browse for the org.wso2.ei.bpmn.analytics-1.0.0.car file from the <EI_HOME>/wso2/analytics/profiles/business-process/ directory. 
  5. Click Open to select the file, and then click Upload in the Add Carbon Applications page to deploy the artifacts contained in the CAR file.

Follow the steps below to enable the Business Process profile to publish statistics to the Analytics profile.

  1. Open the bps-analytics.xml file from the <EI_HOME>/wso2/business-process/conf/ directory and set the DataPublishingEnabled property to true as shown below.


    This enables the Business Process profile to publish statistics to the Analytics profile.

  2. Open the bps-analytics.xml file from the  <EI_HOME>/wso2/analytics/conf/ directory and set the DashboardAnalyticsEnabled property to true as shown below.


    This allows the statistics related to the business process to be analyzed via the Analytics profile, and visualized in the Analytics dashboard.

  3. Restart the Analytics profile of WSO2 EI. 

Analyzing the business process statistics

Before you begin, make sure that the following steps from the previous tutorials are completed. This is to ensure that the business process for canceling a doctors' appointment has been successfully completed, and thereby, statistics from the appointment cancellation process is available for analysis.

Be sure that the Analytics profile is started before the Business Process profile.

  1. Deploying the BPMN process in the Business Process profile
  2. Deploying the ESB artifacts in the ESB profile
  3. Starting the Message Broker profile
  4. Starting the back-end service
  5. Sending requests to the ESB
  6. Canceling appointments using the BPMN explorer

Follow the steps below to view statistics related to WSO2 EI Business Process from the WSO2 EI Analytics profile.

  1. Open the Analytics Dashboard using https://localhost:9444/dashboard, and log in using admin as the username as well as the password.
    The dashboards outlined in red in the image below should be displayed.
  2. Click View in the relevant box to view the dashboards (Business-process Profile:process-analytics or Business-process Profile:User-analytics). The dashboard opens as shown below.

See the following more information on using the Analytics dashboard for business processes.