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System Logs

The "System Logs" page displays all the system logs. See more information about logs in Logging.

Follow the instructions below to access the System Logs statistics.

1. Sign in. Enter your user name and password to log on to the ESB Management Console.

2. From the left navigation menu, under "Monitor," select "System Statistics."

3. The "System Logs" page appears.

4. In the "View" list, select the category of logs you want to view. The available categories are:

  • TRACE - Trace messages.
  • DEBUG - Debug messages.
  • INFO - Information messages.
  • WARN - Warning messages.
  • ERROR - Error messages.
  • FATAL - Fatal error messages.

5. You can also find a certain log using the search function. Enter the name (or a part of the name) to the field and click on the "Search" button.

6. The log messages, displayed in this page are obtained from a memory appender. Hence, the severity (log level) of the displayed log messages are equal or higher than the threshold of the memory appender. For more information on appenders, loggers and their log levels, please visit here or see Logging.

7. You can remove all the log entries from the list clicking on the "Clear All Logs" button.


The location of the log files on disk is specified in the log4j.configuration file.