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Mediation Tracer

The "Mediation Tracer" traces the entire path when a message travels along a mediation sequence. To see the trace messages, you have to enable tracing for a sequence.


Turning on the "Tracer" feature will have a drag on the performance. This is because all the messages will always be completely built (i.e., deferred building will not be done) and stored in the database by WSO2 Data Services. Hence this option should be used with caution.

Follow the instructions below to access the Mediation Tracer.

1. Sign in. Enter your user name and password to log on to the ESB Management Console.

2. From the left navigation menu, under "Monitor," select "Mediation Tracer."

3. The "Mediation Message Tracer" page appears.

4. You can use the "Search" function to find specific log messages for debugging purposes. Fill in the textfield and click on the "Search" button.