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Importing Users in Bulk

You can import users to ESB from existing user stores in bulk. This carbon version supports importing users from a CSV files and Excel sheets.


It is possible to import usernames only. The import of other attributes like first name, last name, or user ID is not supported.

Follow the instructions below to import users in ESB in bulk.

Step 1. Create CSV or XLS File

You can manage users in a relational database or a LDAP server. To import users into WSO2 at once, create a file containing user names. The file must be in one of the following formats:

  • Comma separated list CSV
  • Excel sheet XLS (97/2000/XP versions)

Many visual LDAP tools support exporting users in CSV format. Tools such as Apache Directory Studio, LDAP Amin Tool, and Active Directory have step-by-step instructions on how to do it. Values in relational databases also can be obtained in CSV or XLS formats.

The list of users in a CSV file should look as follows:


The first line of the CSV file will be ignored considering it is not a username.

The list of users in an Excel file should look as follows:


The first line of the Excel sheet will be ignored considering it is not a username.

Step 2. Importing Users to ESB

Sign in. Enter your user name and password to log on to the ESB Management Console.

2. From the left navigation menu, select "Users and Roles."

3. In the "User Management" page, click on the "Users" link.

4. Click on "Bulk Import Users."

5. Select the CSV or XLS file from the file browser. Use the "Browse" button.

6. Enter the password in the "Default Password" field and click "Finish."

7. All the users in CSV/XLS file will be added to the ESB with the default password. The "Everyone" role will be assigned to them.

8. Inform users to log in and change their password within 24 hours.


The default password of the imported users is valid only for 24 hours. As the system administrator, you can resolve issues of expired passwords by logging in as the Admin and changing the user's password available in User Management Users page.