This site contains the documentation that is relevant to older WSO2 product versions and offerings.
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Gadget Availability

Follow the instructions below to set gadget availability.

1. Log on to the Gadget Server Management Console.

2. Click the "Main" menu and select "Gadget Repository" under "Manage Gadget Server."

3. The Gadget Repository opens. Click on the relevant check boxes to make a gadget default or to make it available to anonymous users.

For example,

Make Default

Making a gadget default is an administrative task. The administrator can decide which gadgets should be displayed by default to a newly-registered user when he/she opens the gadget portal. Once this option is checked, the gadget will be displayed by default in the Gadget Portal of a user unless he or she removes it.

Show Gadget To Anonymous User

The administrator of the Gadget Server can decide which gadgets are available for a anonymous user to be added to his/her Gadget Portal. Once this option is checked by an administrator, an anonymous user of the Portal can see it listed under the Add Gadgets link.