This site contains the documentation that is relevant to older WSO2 product versions and offerings.
For the latest WSO2 documentation, visit

Signing up as a new user

You can sign up as a new user with either with a self-issued information card or with a user-name/password-based account.

Follow the instructions below to sign up as a new user.

1. From the home page, click on "Sign-up" under the "Identity" menu.

2. Select whether to sign up "with User Name / Password" or "with Self-issued Information Card."

2.1. If the "Sign-up with User Name/Password" option was selected, specify the required information on the new page:

  • User name - Your unique name in the system.
  • Password - Your password.
  • Re-type Password - Your password.
  • First Name - Your first name.
  • Last Name - Your last name.
  • Organization - The organization you work for.
  • Address - Your address.
  • Country - The country you live in.
  • Email - Your email address.
  • Telephone - Your telephone number.
  • Mobile - Your mobile phone number.
  • IM
  • URL

Click on the "Submit" button.

2.2. If the "Sign-up with Self-issued Information Card" option was selected, click on the appropriate icon to accept the card.

3. Click "OK" in the "WSO2 Carbon" window.

4. Sign in to the Identity Server as described here.