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Aggregated Polling API

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This API defines how an ASPSP can aggregate and deliver multiple signed event notifications to TPPs through the use of polling. This is an alternative or complement to the Real-Time Notification API.

  • This API can be used as the sole method to collect event notifications by a TPP.
  • This API offers a means to catch-up following a period where the TPP's Real-Time Notification endpoint has been offline. 

Implementation of the Aggregated Polling API is optional for ASPSPs.

The sections below describe the following:

Basic flow

The diagram below provides a general outline of an aggregated notification flow for all resources.

  1. Initial Polling - This is the first time a TPP calls the ASPSP to poll for events:
    • A TPP calls an ASPSP to poll for events.
    • The ASPSP responds with an array of awaiting events encoded as signed event notifications.
  2. Acknowledge Only - Following the initial poll the TPP has the option to only acknowledge receipt if they do not wish to receive further events at a given time:
    • A TPP calls an ASPSP to acknowledge the event notifications that have been successfully processed.
    • If required, the TPP also sends indicators of event notifications which they could not process due to an error.
    • The ASPSP responds positively but sends no further events.
  3. Poll and Acknowledge - Following the initial poll the TPP can then repeatedly poll the ASPSP, acknowledging successfully processed event notifications and requesting more:
    • A TPP calls an ASPSP to acknowledge the event notifications that have been successfully processed with appropriate parameters to receive more.
    • If required, the TPP also sends event notifications which they could not process due to an error.
    • The ASPSP responds positively and responds with an array of awaiting event notifications encoded as signed event notifications.

Sequence diagram


Use the following endpoint to poll for, acknowledge and receive event notifications as a TPP.

Endpoint NameSupported VersionResourceEndpoint URLMandatory/Optional
Create eventsv3.1.2events

POST /events
