Integrate Open Banking Business Intelligence

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Integrate Open Banking Business Intelligence

The WSO2 Open Banking Business Intelligence(WSO2 OB BI) component enables monitoring and recording of API-level usage activity to ensure that the API owners have full awareness of the APIs, applications, and subscriptions. It generates alerts by analyzing the risk involved in transactions and fraudulent activities. It also generates statistics using the data collected from WSO2 Open Banking Identity and Access Management and API Management modules. WSO2 Open Banking Business Intelligence module contains the following features: 

API Analytics

Provides reports, statistics and graphs on the APIs deployed in WSO2 Open Banking API Manager. Helps Third-party providers (TPP) to monitor how their applications perform while banks can analyze how the bank APIs perform.

Transaction Risk Analysis

Enables analyzing the risk level based on predefined rules and exempt the user from having to provide the second factor.

Fraud Detection

For transaction monitoring mechanisms to detect unauthorized or fraudulent transactions and generate alerts. It also exempts the security requirements of strong customer authentication based on the identified level of risk and recurrence of the payment transaction. 

Data Reporting

The WSO2 Open Banking Business Intelligence captures data published in WSO2 Open Banking Identity and Access Management and API Management modules. Data Reporting is the process of processing and summarizing this data. 

It also supports business Key Performance Indicator (KPI) dashboards with business intelligence and insights on usage trends as well as custom business insights on the account and payment flows. The decision-makers of banks can use these statistics to align the business to better suit the customer needs and ultimately increase profits.  The configurable alerting module enables informing the necessary parties of abnormal behaviour, e.g., API failures, a sudden increase in the response time of APIs, and a change in the API resource access pattern.

The placement of the WSO2 OB BI component is as follows:

Before you begin

Download Open Banking Business Intelligence and unzip the file, or add it through WUM using the following commands:

  1. Add the wso2-obbi WUM pack.

    wum add wso2-obbi-<version>
  2. Update the wso2-obbi product pack using WUM.

    wum update wso2-obbi-<version>

    WSO2 Updates Manager (WUM) is deprecated and will be unavailable from July 2021 onwards. WSO2 Updates is the new tool to include the solution and security improvements that are released by WSO2 Open Banking, on top of a released version. For more information, see WSO2 Updates.

     Click here to see how to update the solution via WSO2 Update tool...

    The WSO2 Update tool delivers hotfixes and updates seamlessly on top of products as WSO2 Updates. They include improvements that are released by WSO2. You need to update the product using the relevant script.

    • Go to <WSO2_OB_BI_HOME>/bin and run the WSO2 Update tool: 

  3. Copy <WSO2_OB_BI_HOME>/resources/finance/scripts/wso2-obbi-conf/deployment.yaml to <WSO2_OB_BI_HOME>/conf/worker/deployment.yaml. 

The WSO2 Open Banking Business Intelligence server uses the worker and dashboard profiles for the above-mentioned features. In a production deployment, the worker and dashboard profiles should run in two different JVMs. You need to enable the below ports, in order to publish data to these two nodes.

  • <WSO2_OB_BI_HOME>/conf/worker/deployment.yaml
  • <WSO2_OB_BI_HOME>/conf/dashboard/deployment.yaml

You can find that the worker node has a port offset of 1 and it opens the following ports.

HTTPS requests

9444, 8006, 8007
Thrift transport 7612, 7712

The dashboard node has a port offset of 6 and it opens the following port.

HTTPS requests


Configuring databases

The following is a list of database versions that are compatible with the WSO2 API Manager Analytics.

  • MySQL 5.7 
  • MS SQL Server 2016 
  • Oracle 12c
  1. Make sure the following databases are created in your database server, if not create them:  

    If you are setting up WSO2 OB BI and MySQL database in a local environment, 

    • Configure your database details in the <WSO2_OB_BI_HOME>/resources/finance/scripts/startup.properties file.
    • Go to the <WSO2_OB_BI_HOME>/resources/finance/scripts directory and execute the following command: 

    • openbank_apimgt_statsdb 

    • openbank_openbankingdb 

    • openbank_geolocationdb

    • openbank_ob_reporting_statsdb

    • openbank_ob_reporting_summarizeddb

  2. Update the  <WSO2_OB_BI_HOME>/conf/worker/deployment.yaml  file. Modify the datasources below by pointing them to the databases you created in the above step (in the given order). 






    Update the datasource entry in the deployment.yaml with your database configurations.


    This is the port to connect to on database server

    The jdbcUrl property expects the JDBC driver connection string. A sample jdbcUrl:



    The database user


    Password set for the database connection


    The JDBC driver name

    Mysql JDBC Driver : com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
    MSSQL JDBC Driver : com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver
    Oracle JDBC Driver : oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver

    If you are using Oracle, update the connectionTestQuery in each datasource with the following value.

    connectionTestQuery: SELECT 1 FROM DUAL
        - name: GEO_LOCATION_DATA
          description: "The data source used for geo location database"
            name: jdbc/GEO_LOCATION_DATA
            type: RDBMS
              jdbcUrl: 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/openbank_geolocationdb?autoReconnect=true&useSSL=false'
              username: <USERNAME>
              password: <PASSWORD>
              driverClassName: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
              maxPoolSize: 50
              idleTimeout: 60000
              connectionTestQuery: SELECT 1
              # Use below for oracle database
              # connectionTestQuery: SELECT 1 FROM DUAL
              validationTimeout: 30000
              isAutoCommit: false
        - name: APIM_ANALYTICS_DB
          description: "The datasource used for APIM statistics aggregated data."
            name: jdbc/APIM_ANALYTICS_DB
            type: RDBMS
              jdbcUrl: 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/openbank_apimgt_statsdb?autoReconnect=true&useSSL=false'
              username: <USERNAME>
              password: <PASSWORD>
              driverClassName: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
              maxPoolSize: 50
              idleTimeout: 60000
              connectionTestQuery: SELECT 1
              validationTimeout: 30000
              isAutoCommit: false
        - name: OPEN_BANKING_DB
          description: "The datasource used to store payment consents"
            name: jdbc/OPEN_BANKING_DB
            type: RDBMS
              jdbcUrl: 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/openbank_openbankingdb?autoReconnect=true&useSSL=false'
              username: <USERNAME>
              password: <PASSWORD>
              driverClassName: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver 
              maxPoolSize: 50
              idleTimeout: 60000
              connectionTestQuery: SELECT 1
              validationTimeout: 30000
              isAutoCommit: false
        - name: OB_REPORTING_DB
          description: The datasource used to store statistics for OB Reporting module
            name: jdbc/OB_REPORTING_DB
            type: RDBMS
              jdbcUrl: 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/openbank_ob_reporting_statsdb?autoReconnect=true&useSSL=false'
              username: <USERNAME>
              password: <PASSWORD>
              driverClassName: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver 
              maxPoolSize: 20
              idleTimeout: 60000
              connectionTestQuery: SELECT 1
              validationTimeout: 30000
              isAutoCommit: false
          description: The datasource used to store statistics for OB Reporting module
            name: jdbc/OB_REPORTING_SUMMARIZED_DB
            type: RDBMS
              jdbcUrl: 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/openbank_ob_reporting_summarizeddb?autoReconnect=true&useSSL=false'
              username: <USERNAME>
              password: <PASSWORD>
              driverClassName: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver 
              maxPoolSize: 20
              idleTimeout: 60000
              connectionTestQuery: SELECT 1
              validationTimeout: 30000
              isAutoCommit: false       
  3. Modify the datasources of AM_DB and OB_REPORTING_DB  in the <WSO2_OB_BI_HOME>/conf/dashboard/deployment.yaml file.                                                          

    Use your database configurations and update the datasource properties as follows: 

    #Main datasource used in API Manager
      - name: AM_DB
        description: Main datasource used by API Manager
          name: jdbc/AM_DB
          type: RDBMS
            jdbcUrl: "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/openbank_apimgtdb?autoReconnect=true&useSSL=false"
            username: <USERNAME>
            password: <PASSWORD>
            driverClassName: 'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver'
            maxPoolSize: 10
            idleTimeout: 60000
            connectionTestQuery: SELECT 1
            validationTimeout: 30000
            isAutoCommit: false    
      - name: OB_REPORTING_DB
          description: The datasource used to store statistics for OB Reporting module
            name: jdbc/OB_REPORTING_DB
            type: RDBMS
              jdbcUrl: 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/openbank_ob_reporting_statsdb?autoReconnect=true&useSSL=false'
              username: <USERNAME>
              password: <PASSWORD>
              driverClassName: 'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver'
              maxPoolSize: 20
              idleTimeout: 60000
              connectionTestQuery: SELECT 1
              # Use below for oracle database
              # connectionTestQuery: SELECT 1 FROM DUAL
              validationTimeout: 30000
              isAutoCommit: false

    If you are using Oracle for databases,

    Add the following configuration to the APIM_ANALYTICS_DB and AM_DB datasources:

    • APIM_ANALYTICS_DB datasource in the <WSO2_OB_BI_HOME>/conf/worker/deployment.yaml and <WSO2_OB_BI_HOME>/conf/dashboard/deployment.yaml files 
    • AM_DB datasource in the <WSO2_OB_BI_HOME>/conf/dashboard/deployment.yaml files
    connectionInitSql: alter session set NLS_DATE_FORMAT='YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'

    See the sample datasource configuration is given below:

    #Main datasource used in API Manager
      - name: AM_DB
        description: Main datasource used by API Manager
          name: jdbc/AM_DB
          type: RDBMS
            jdbcUrl: "jdbc:oracle:thin:@"
            username: '<USERNAME>'
            password: '<PASSWORD>'
            driverClassName: 'oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver'
            maxPoolSize: 10
            idleTimeout: 60000
            connectionTestQuery: SELECT 1 FROM DUAL
            connectionInitSql: alter session set NLS_DATE_FORMAT='YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'
            validationTimeout: 30000
            isAutoCommit: false
  4. This is available only as a WUM update and is effective from January 11, 2021 (01-11-2021). For more information on updating WSO2 Open Banking, see Updating WSO2 Products.

    According to your database type, copy the following widgets in the <WSO2_OB_BI_HOME>/resources/finance/dashboard/widgets/<DATABASE_TYPE> directory and to the <WSO2_OB_BI_HOME>/wso2/dashboard/deployment/web-ui-apps/analytics-dashboard/extensions/widgets directory:

    • AverageTransactionAmount
    • AverageTransactionAmountGraph
    • FraudGraph
    • TransactionGraph
    • TotalFraudulentTransactions
    • TotalPaymentTransactions
    • TransactionHistoryAnalyser
    • DateTimeRangePicker

    You need to follow the steps below when you are using Oracle or MS SQL database servers.

    You need to include the database driver corresponding to the database for the WSO2 Open Banking Business Intelligence server to communicate with the database. The WSO2 Open Banking Business Intelligence is an OSGi-based product. Therefore, when you integrate third party products such as Oracle and MS SQL with WSO2 OB BI, you need to check whether the libraries you need to add are OSGi based. If they are not, you need to convert them to OSGi bundles before adding them to the <WSO2_OB_BI_HOME>/lib directory.

    To convert the jar files to OSGi bundles, follow the steps below.

    1. Download the non-OSGi jar for the required third party product, and save it in a preferred directory in your machine.
    2. Go to the <WSO2_OB_BI_HOME>/bin directory. Run the command given below to generate the converted file in the <WSO2_OB_BI_HOME>/lib directory.

      ./jartobundle.sh <PATH_TO_NON-OSGi_JAR> ../lib

Configuring WSO2 OB BI worker 

Update listenerConfigurations in the <WSO2_OB_BI_HOME>/wso2/worker/conf/transports/netty-transports.yml as follows:

Note that keyStorePass: wso2carbon needs to be changed as keyStorePassword: wso2carbon.

  id: "default"
  host: ""
  port: 9090
  messageProcessorId: "MSF4J-CM-PROCESSOR"

  id: "https"
  host: ""
  port: 9443
  scheme: https
  keyStoreFile: ${carbon.home}/resources/security/wso2carbon.jks
  keyStorePassword: wso2carbon
  certPass: wso2carbon
  messageProcessorId: "MSF4J-CM-PROCESSOR"

Configuring keystores

In the SSL handshake between the Open Banking API Manager and Open Banking Business Intelligence servers, the client (i.e. Open Banking API Manager) needs to verify the certificate presented by the server (i.e. Open Banking Business Intelligence). For this purpose, the client stores the trusted certificate of the server in the client-truststore.jks keystore.

If you use a custom keystore in Open Banking API Manager and/or Open Banking Business Intelligence, import the public key certificate of Open Banking Business Intelligence into the client-truststore.jks file of the Open Banking API Manager. To export the public key from the server and import it into the client's trust store, follow the steps given in Adding CA-signed certificates to keystores in the Administration Guide.

Enabling data publishing in API Manager

Follow the instructions below to configure the WSO2 Open Banking API Manager to publish statistics. 

  1. Open the <WSO2_OB_APIM_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml file

  2. Enable the[apim.analytics] sub-element by configuring it as true.

    enable = false
  3. Change the values for the following properties accordingly:

    receiver_urls = "{tcp://<WSO2_OB_BI_HOST>:7612}"
    receiver_username = "$ref{super_admin.username}@carbon.super"
    receiver_password = "$ref{super_admin.password}"
    store_api_username = "$ref{super_admin.username}@carbon.super"

    Enable alerts:

    If you are using Open Banking Business Intelligence for Analytics, follow the steps below to enable alerts:

    • Open the <WSO2_OB_BI_HOME>/conf/worker/deployment.yaml file.
    • Update the file as follows: 

        APIM-alerts.enabled: true 
        APIM-analytics.enabled: true
    • See /wiki/spaces/OB200/pages/48630362, for more information.
  4. Set the enable property under [open_banking.au.unattended_session_count_throttling] to true.

    enable = true

    This step is required only if you are setting up Open Banking for AU:

  5. If you're using a custom keystore where the keystore password is not "wso2carbon":
    1. Open the <WSO2_OB_BI_HOME>/conf/worker/deployment.yaml file.
    2. Add the following configurations under the siddhi tag:  

          name: 'http-request'
          namespace: 'source'
            keyStoreFile : ${sys:carbon.home}/resources/security/wso2carbon.jks
            keyStorePassword : <password>        
            keyStoreAlgorithm : SunX509
  6. Save the changes and restart the WSO2 Open Banking API Manager server.

Enabling Open Banking Data Publishing

Follow the steps below to enable Data Reporting. 

  1. Open  <WSO2_OB_APIM_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml and  <WSO2_OB_IAM_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml  files.
  2. Under the [open_banking.bi_server.data_publishing] sub-element set the enable property to true to enable the feature. 
  3. Replace the <WSO2_OB_BI_HOST> placeholder with the hostname of your WSO2 OB BI server and configure the other parameters accordingly.  

    enable = false
    server_url = "{tcp://<WSO2_OB_BI_HOST>:7612}"

    This step is required only if you're setting up Open Banking for AU:

    1. Go to the <WSO2_OB_BI_HOME>/resources/finance/cds-siddhi-files directory.
    2. Copy and paste the following to the <WSO2_OB_BI_HOME>/deployment/siddhi-files directory.
      1. CDSInvocationMetricsApp.siddhi
      2. CDSSessionMetricsApp.siddhi
      3. CDSCustomerRecipientMetricsApp.siddhi 
      4. CDSAvailabilityMetricsApp.siddhi
      5. GetInvocationDataApp.siddhi

        CDSCustomerRecipientMetricsApp.siddhi is available only as a WUM update and is effective from April 22, 2021 (04-22-2021). For more information on updating WSO2 Open Banking, see Updating WSO2 Products

      6. CDSSharingDateSummarizationApp.siddhi

        This is only available as a WSO2 Update from WSO2 Open Banking API Manager Level, WSO2 Open Banking Identity Server Level, and WSO2 Open Banking Business Intelligence Level onwards. For more information on updating WSO2 Open Banking, see Updating WSO2 Products.

    3. Open the GetInvocationDataApp.siddhi and CDSAvailabilityMetricsApp.siddhi in <WSO2_OB_BI_HOME>/deployment/siddhi-files and change the value of the <ANALYTICS_SERVER> placeholder of receiver.url with the hostname of WSO2 Open Banking Business Intelligence. For example,

      @Source(type = 'http-request',
           @map(type = 'json',@attributes(MESSAGE_ID='trp:messageId', CHECK_STATUS='event.name',fromDate='event.fromDate',toDate='event.toDate')))
      define stream StatusCheckStream (MESSAGE_ID string, CHECK_STATUS string, fromDate string, toDate string);

If you have customized the default WSO2 Open Banking Key Manager extension:

  • Extend it from the WSO2 Open Banking Keymanger extension.
  • Set the authentication steps according to the WSO2 Open Banking Keymanger extension.

For more information, see Customising Key Manager extension.

Improving Metrics API Performance

Follow the steps below to improve the performance of the Metrics API.

This is only available as a WSO2 Update from WSO2 Open Banking API Manager Level, WSO2 Open Banking Identity Server Level, and WSO2 Open Banking Business Intelligence Level onwards. For more information on updating WSO2 Open Banking, see Updating WSO2 Products.

This can be configured only in Open Banking for AU.

  1. Open the <WSO2_OB_APIM_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml file.
  2. Add the following configurations:

    self_url = "https://localhost:8243/cds-au/v2/admin/"
    current_tps_retrieval_url = "http://<ANALYTICS_HOSTNAME>:8007/CDSCurrentPeakTPSApp/CDSCurrentPeakTPSAppStream"
    max_tps_aggregation_url = "https://<ANALYTICS_HOSTNAME>:8008/CDSPeakTPSMetricsAggregationApp/MaxTPSMetricsAggregationInputStream"
    availability_aggregation_url = "https://<ANALYTICS_HOSTNAME>:8008/CDSAvailabilityMetricsAggregationApp/AvailabilityMetricsAggregationInputStream"
    enable = true
  3. Open the <WSO2_OB_APIM_HOME>/repository/conf/finance/quartz.properties file.
  4. Replace the <CARBON_HOME> placeholder with the path to the WSO2 Open Banking API Manager component.
  5. Follow the steps in the Periodical Task Manager and CRON job service documentation.

    By default, this periodical task runs at 3 am every day. If you want to change that,

    1. Open the <WSO2_OB_APIM_HOME>/repository/conf/finance/taskManagerJobs.xml file.
    2. Change the time under 0 0 03 * * ?.
  6. Go to the <WSO2_OB_BI_HOME>/resources/finance/cds-siddhi-files folder.
  7. Copy the CDSAvailabilityMetricsAggregationApp.siddhi, CDSPeakTPSMetricsAggregationApp.siddhi, and CDSCurrentPeakTPSApp.siddhi files to the <OBBI_HOME>/deployment/siddhi-files folder.

  8. Go to the <WSO2_OB_BI_HOME>/deployment/siddhi-files folder.
  9. Replace the <ANALYTICS_HOSTNAME> with the correct hostname of the BI server in the CDSAvailabilityMetricsAggregationApp.siddhi, CDSPeakTPSMetricsAggregationApp.siddhi, and CDSCurrentPeakTPSApp.siddhi files.

Enabling the Sharing Date Display Feature

This feature is provided only in Open Banking for AU.

This is only available as a WSO2 Update from WSO2 Open Banking API Manager Level, WSO2 Open Banking Identity Server Level, and WSO2 Open Banking Business Intelligence Level onwards. For more information on updating WSO2 Open Banking, see Updating WSO2 Products.

If you already have a working setup of WSO2 OB Business Intelligence, follow the steps below to enable the sharing date display feature:

 Click here to see how it is done...
  1. Go to the <WSO2_OB_BI_HOME>resources/finance/dbscripts/au/migration/summarizationForSharingDate directory.
  2. Execute the relevant script according to your database type against the openbank_ob_reporting_statsdb database.
  3. Go to the <WSO2_OB_BI_HOME>/resources/finance/cds-siddhi-files directory.
  4. Copy and paste the CDSSharingDateSummarizationApp.siddhi file to the <WSO2_OB_BI_HOME>/deployment/siddhi-files directory.
  5. Open the <WSO2_OB_AM_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/synapse-configs/default/api/_UserInfoAPI_.xml file:
  6. Add the following handlers after SynapsePropertiesHandler:

    <handler class="com.wso2.finance.open.banking.gateway.common.ScopesPropertyHandler"/>
    <handler class="com.wso2.finance.open.banking.management.information.reporting.data.publisher.ReportingDataHandler"/>

For more information, see the Configuring Consent Manager documentation.

Enabling Transaction Risk Analysis (TRA) 

  1. Open the <WSO2_OB_IAM_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml and <WSO2_OB_APIM_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml files to enable Transaction Risk Analysis (TRA):
    1. To enable the TRA feature, set the enable property under [open_banking.bi_server.tra] to true. To enable the feature for both payments and accounts, set the configurations as follows:

      enable = true
      payment_validation.enable = true
      account_validation.enable = true
    2. You can enable TRA for either payments and accounts validations. Set only the relevant property to true.  For example: 

      • To enable TRA only for payments :

        enable = true
        payment_validation.enable = true
        account_validation.enable = false
      • To enable TRA only for accounts:

        enable = true
        payment_validation.enable = false
        account_validation.enable = true
    3. The configurations related to TRA Receivers are under the [open_banking.bi_server.tra.receivers] property. You may use the default WSO2 Open Banking Business Intelligence server username and password. Replace the placeholders in  account_validation_url and payment_validation_url properties to set the Account and Payment validation URLs respectively.

      account_validation_url = "http://<WSO2_OB_BI_HOST>:8007/TRAAccountValidationApp/TRAValidationStream"
      payment_validation_url = "http://<WSO2_OB_BI_HOST>:8007/TRAPaymentValidationApp/TRAValidationStream"
  2. Make the following changes to the files given below.

    1. Open the <WSO2_OB_BI_HOME>/deployment/siddhi-files/TRAAccountValidationApp.siddhi file.

      • Update the <WSO2_OB_BI_HOST> placeholder in the receiver URL, with the hostname of your WSO2 OB BI server. 

    2. Open the <WSO2_OB_BI_HOME>/deployment/siddhi-files/TRAPaymentValidationApp.siddhi file.

      • Update the <WSO2_OB_BI_HOSTNAME> placeholder in the receiver URL, with the hostname of your WSO2 OB BI server. 


Enabling Fraud Detection

  1. Open the <WSO2_OB_IAM_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml and <WSO2_OB_APIM_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml files to enable Fraud Detection: 
    1. To enable the feature, set the enable property under [open_banking.bi_server.fraud_detection] to true

      enable = true
    2. The configurations related to Fraud Detection receivers are under the [open_banking.bi_server.fraud_detection.receivers] property. You may use the default WSO2 Open Banking Business Intelligence server username and password. Replace the placeholders in  account_validation_url and payment_validation_url properties to set the Account and Payment validation URLs respectively.

      fraud_detection_url = "http://<WSO2_OB_BI_HOST>:8007/FraudDetectionApp/FraudDetectionStream"
      invalid_submission_url = "http://<WSO2_OB_BI_HOST>:8006/InvalidSubmissionsApp/InvalidSubmissionsStream"
  2. Open the <WSO2_OB_BI_HOME>/deployment/siddhi-files/FraudStatusUpdaterApp.siddhi file and update <localhost> in the receiver URL with the hostname of your WSO2 OB BI server.

  3. Once you configure the TRA and FD modules, start the servers in the order of:

1. Dashboard profile in <WSO2_OB_BI_HOME>/bin

2. Worker profile in <WSO2_OB_BI_HOME>/bin



Enabling performance tuning and starting the servers

  1. You can enable performance tuning by adding configurations, as described in Performance Tuning in the WSO2 Stream Processor documentation.
  2. Navigate to the <WSO2_OB_BI_HOME>/bin directory, and give execution permissions to the dashboard.sh file.
  3. Run the API Manager Analytics dashboard.sh as follows: 

  4. Navigate to the <WSO2_OB_BI_HOME>/bin directory and give execute permissions to the worker.sh file.

  5. Run the following command and start the WSO2 Open Banking Business Intelligence in worker profile.

  6. Restart the Identity and Access Management and API Management servers in the mentioned order. 
  7. The Fraud Detection dashboards are accessible at https://<WSO2_OB_BI_HOST>:9643/portal/dashboards/frauddetectiondashboard/home.

  8. You can view API analytics data as described below:
  9. To observe data analysis based on geographical locations, see Configuring Geolocation Based Statistics.

The WSO2 Open Banking Business Intelligence captures data published in WSO2 Open Banking Identity and Access Management and API Management modules. Data Reporting is the process of processing and summarizing this data. For more details, see PSD2 Data Reporting.

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