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Customising the WSO2 Open Banking Developer Portal

The WSO2 Open Banking API Management module is based on WSO2 API Manager. You can customise the Developer Portal according to your requirements. For more details, refer to Customizing the Developer Portal.

You can configure the Developer Portal and customize the authorization grant types that are used to authenticate TPPs based on your specification. Follow the steps below:

  1. Open the <WSO2_OB_APIM_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/jaggeryapps/devportal/site/public/theme/settings.js file. 
  2. See the openbanking configurations. Given below is the default configurations for the UK specification. 

    openbanking: {
          "refresh_token":"Refresh Token",
          "client_credentials":"Client Credentials"

    You can customise the parameters.  

     Click here to see the definitions...

    Defines the specification. Possible values are: 

    - UK
    - BERLIN
    - AU

    Defines the required authorization grant types. Update the key-value pairs with valid grant types.

With the above sample configurations, when you try to generate keys for an application, the Developer Portal looks as follows: