Changing the Hostname

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Changing the Hostname

By default, WSO2 products identify the hostname of the current machine through the Java API. However, this value sometimes yields erroneous results on some environments. Therefore, users are recommended to configure the hostname. The following procedure explains how to change the hostname and management hostname of WSO2 API Manager (WSO2 API-M) as required for your production environment. 

  1. Open the <API-M_HOME>/repository/conf/carbon.xml file and set the following properties as shown below.

  2. Open the <API-M_HOME>/repository/conf/api-manager.xml file and set the following properties as shown below. 

    1. Configure the Store URL, which is used to access the Store web app from the Publisher application. 

    2. Configure the Publisher URL, which is the URL that is used to access the tenant Store and public Store.

    3. Configure the environment configurations by defining the endpoint URL for both the REST APIs and Web Socket (WS) APIs that are hosted in the API Gateway.

  3. Generate a key store, export the public certificate from the keystore, and import that certificate to the  client­-truststore.jks  file.
    For more information, see Creating New Keystores in the WSO2 Administration guide.

What's Next?

After changing your hostname and management hostname, make sure to whitelist your hostname for the API Store.