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Multitenancy in App Store

When there are multiple tenant spaces existing in an App Manager deployment, there is an isolated tenant store view for each tenant domain. In other words, when different tenants are created, there will be a separate store dedicated for that particular tenant domain.

Public and tenant stores

When you access the App Store (http://localhost:9443/store) in a multi-tenanted deployment, you see the public store, which is a store of all active tenant stores. The public store links to all the available and active tenant stores.


If the tenant domain is deactivated, it is not visible in the public tenant store.

Anonymous users can browse each of these stores and view all the public apps of each store. Anonymous users can also access tenant applications. If a user wants to subscribe to any of the public apps, they need to login to one of the stores.

Each of the stores representing each tenant domain is known as a tenant store, which is the tenant isolated app store of each domain. You can click the tenant store icon of each domain and go to the relevant tenant store or directly browse the link of the required tenant domain (eg: https://localhost:9443/store/t/{domain-name}). For example, if you need to browse the tenant domain, click the store icon in the public store or directly browse to https://localhost:9443/store/t/ You are redirected to the tenant store of as shown below.


In order to access domain specific apps in a tenant store (other than the apps with anonymous access), you need to login to that particular tenant store. A tenant user is forbidden from logging in to an invalid tenant domain.