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SNMP Connector and Streaming Inbound Endpoint

The SNMP connector allows you to monitor and configure network components such as servers, routers, switches or printers via WSO2 ESB. This connector supports Simple Network Management Protocol(SNMP) Version 2, and uses the snmp4j library, which is an enterprise class free open source SNMP implementation for Java™ SE.

SNMP is a popular protocol used for managing devices on IP networks.

Getting started

To get started with the Inbound, go to the Configuring SNMP Inbound Operations, Then you can consume messages from the SNMP Agent.

To get started, go to Configuring SNMP Operations. Once you have completed your configurations, you can perform various operations with the connector.

Additional information

For general information on using connectors and their operations in your ESB configurations, see Using a Connector. To download the connector, go to, and click Download Connector. Then you can add and enable the connector in your ESB instance.


Before you start the ESB, download snmp4j-2.5.5.jar and add it to the <ESB_HOME>/repository/components/lib directory.