This site contains the documentation that is relevant to older WSO2 product versions and offerings.
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Starting Governance Registry Management Console on Linux

Once you have installed WSO2 Governance Registry version 4.5.0 (See Installing Governance Registry on Linux from Binary Distribution, Installing Governance Registry on Linux from Source Distribution), follow the below instructions to access the Governance Registry Management Console on Linux from the command prompt.

Establish an SSH connection to the Linux machine or log in on the Linux text console. 

Step 1. Execute WSO2 Governance Registry Start Script

Follow the below instructions to execute the WSO2 Governance Registry start script from the bin folder.

1. Establish an SSH connection to the Linux server or log in on the Linux text console.

2. Go to <GREG_HOME>/bin, replacing <GREG_HOME> with the path for actual folder where the WSO2 Governance Registry files are stored.

3. Execute the following command to start Governance Registry:



Note that you can pass some system properties when starting the server.

4. The operation log is displayed, showing that Governance Registry is running. The last line in the following example indicates that Governance Registry has been started successfully.

Step 2. Access Governance Registry Management Console (Web Interface)

With WSO2 Governance Registry properly installed, you can access its Management Console (web interface) by opening a web browser and typing in the host name or IP address of the Governance Registry server.

Accessing Governance Registry from Local Machine

1. You can connect to the Governance Registry Web Interface from the computer on which it is installed. Open a web browser and enter the following URL:


2. The WSO2 Governance Registry homepage opens.

Accessing Governance Registry from Internet/LAN

To connect to the Governance Registry Web Interface from any computer connected to the Internet/LAN, follow the below instructions.

1. Open a web browser and enter the actual IP address of the WSO2 Governance Registry server. Typically, it is same as the IP address of the computer. Example:

2. The WSO2 Governance Registry homepage opens.


A situation may occur in which your Internet browser displays an insecure connection message, requiring the user's confirmation to proceed.

The WSO2 Governance Registry Management Console is based on HTTPS protocol, which is a combination of HTTP and SSL protocols. This protocol is generally used to encrypt the traffic from the client to server for security reasons. The certificate with which it works is used for encryption purposes only and does not verify the server's identity. So, when users try to access the WSO2 Governance Registry Management Console, they may receive a warning that they are trying to connect to an untrusted connection. In order to continue working with this certificate, you must "accept" the certificate before access to the site is permitted. If the Mozilla Firefox browser is used, this warning message only occurs the first time that the server is accessed. The certificate is then stored in the browser's database, marked as "trusted." When other browsers are used, an insecure connection warning may be displayed every time the server is accessed.

This scenario is suitable for testing purposes or for running the program on a company's internal networks. But in cases where there is a need to provide an interface to the outside world, a company should obtain a certificate signed by a well-known CA. The role of a CA is to verify that the server accessed actually has the name by which it is accessed and that this server actually belongs to the given organization.

Step 3. Log in to Governance Registry Management Console (Web Interface)

Once you have established a connection to the WSO2 Governance Registry, you will be prompted for a "Username" and "Password." Type in default "admin" as the "Username" and "admin" as the "Password." Click "Sign-in."

Now you are logged in to the WSO2 Governance Registry Management Console.

If you leave the Management Console unattended for a defined time, its login session will time out. The default timeout value is 15 minutes, but you can change this in <PRODUCT_HOME>/repository/conf/tomcat/carbon/WEB-INF/web.xml file as follows:
