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Supported System Properties

There are several system properties that can be set to the JAVA virtual machine, when starting the Governance Registry server.

  • carbon.registry.character.encoding - This property indicates the character encoding used by the server. For example, set this property to Windows-1251 to use Cyrillic characters or Windows-1255 for Hebrew characters.  This property accepts the name of the character set encoding.
  • carbon.registry.clean - This property can be set to clean-up the /_system/config/repository and /_system/local/repository collections. This property accepts no value.
  • carbon.registry.ignore.conflicts - This property can be set to prevent .mine and .server files being recorded to the server during a sychronization operation. This property accepts values true and false.
  • carbon.registry.statistics.operations - This property is used only when statistics logging has been enabled. Set this system property to restrict the types of operations for which statistics are logged. This property accepts a list of comma separated operation names.
  • carbon.registry.statistics.output.queries.executed - This property is used only when statistics logging has been enabled. Set this system property to log actual SQL queries that were executed. This property accepts values true and false.
  • carbon.registry.statistics.preserve.duplicate.table.accesses - This property is used only when statistics logging has been enabled. Set this system property if you want to preserve duplicate table-access records. This property accepts values true and false.
  • carbon.repo.write.mode - This property can be set to indicate whether the server is in READ or READ-WRITE mode. Set this to true for READ-WRITE mode. This is a useful property when making API calls. This property accepts values true and false.
  • disable.event.handlers - This property can be set if you want to disable the default event handlers. Please note that this will stop event generation in the registry. This property accepts values true and false.
  • - This property can be set to enable one time e-mail verification. This property accepts values true and false.
  • setup - This property can be set to generate the registry database schema if it does not exist. Please note that this property has no effect if the schema already exists. This property accepts no value.
  • uddi - This property can be used to enable the inbuilt UDDI registry. This property accepts the value enable.

To pass a system property simply append it next to the start-up script:

./ -Dsetup (Linux)

wso2server.bat -Dcarbon.registry.ignore.conflicts=true (Windows)