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Installing Governance Registry on Linux from Binary Distribution

Follow the below instructions to install WSO2 Governance Registry (binary) version 4.5.0 on Linux from the command line.


Before you install Governance Registry, ensure that your system meets the minimum hardware and software requirements described in Governance Registry Installation Prerequisites.

Establish an SSH connection to the Linux machine or log in on the text Linux console.

Step 1. Obtain Installation Pack

Download the latest version of the program (for downloading instructions, see Downloading the Product).

Step 2. Extract the Archive

After the download is complete, extract the installation files to your home directory by executing the following command:


Step 3. Set up JAVA_HOME

JAVA_HOME environment variable set up is required to run WSO2 Governance Registry. The variable points to the directory where the Javaâ„¢ Development Kit (JDK) is installed on the computer.


Environment variables are global system variables accessible by all the processes running under the operating system.

Edit the "BASHRC" file in your home directory to add the JAVA_HOME environment variable. To set up JAVA_HOME, perform the following steps:

1. Open the "BASHRC" file in your favorite Linux text editor (vi, emacs, pico, or mcedit).

2. Add the following two lines to the bottom of the file:

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_25
export PATH=${JAVA_HOME}/bin:${PATH}

3. Save the file.


If you do not know how to work with text editors in a Linux SSH session, run the following command:

cat >> .bashrc

Paste the string from the clipboard and press "Ctrl+D."

4. In order to verify the effectiveness of the JAVA_HOME variable set up, execute the following command:


The system returns the JDK installation path.

Step 4. Access Governance Registry Management Console

Governance Registry is installed and environment variables are set up. Proceed to Starting Governance Registry Management Console on Linux for instructions on how to run the Governance Registry Management Console.