This site contains the documentation that is relevant to older WSO2 product versions and offerings.
For the latest WSO2 documentation, visit

Dynamic Client Registration v3.2

Before you begin:

Deploy the Dynamic Client Registration (DCR) API v3.2. 

 Click here to see how to deploy the DCR API

To use Dynamic Client Registration, a TPP has to register at the Open Banking Directory and obtain an SSA and relevant certificates.

  1. Sign in to the API Publisher Portal (https://<WSO2_OB_APIM_HOST>:9443/publisher) with creator/publisher privileges.
  2. In the  APIs tab, select  CREATE NEW API > I Have an Existing REST API  
  3. Set the  Input Type  to  OpenAPI File
  4. Click  BROWSE FILE TO UPLOAD and select the <WSO2_OB_APIM_HOME>/repository/resources/finance/apis/ file.
  5. Click Next .
  6. Leave the Endpoint field empty as it is.
  7. Set the business plan to Unlimited : Allows unlimited requests unless you want to limit the requests. 

  8. Click  Create to create the API.
  9. Once you get the message that the API is successfully updated, go to Runtime Configurations using the left menu panel.
  10. Click the edit button under Request > Message Mediation.
  11. Now, select the Custom Policy option.
  12. Upload the <WSO2_OB_APIM_HOME>/repository/resources/finance/apis/ file and click SELECT.
  13. Scroll down and click  SAVE.
  14. Go to Endpoints using the left menu panel.
  15. Select Dynamic Endpoint
  16. Select the endpoint types; Production Endpoint/Sandbox Endpoint.
  17. Click Save.
  18. Now, go to Properties using the left menu panel.
  19. Click Add New Property.
  20. Add the following properties and click  the Add button to save the values.

    Property Name

    Property Value

    ob-api-version 3.2

  21. Click SAVE.
  22. Go back to Overview using the left menu panel.
  23. Click PUBLISH.
  24. The published DCR v0.1 API is available in the Developer Portal at https://<WSO2_OB_APIM_HOST>:9443/devportal.

According to the OBIE, the Account Servicing Payment Service Providers (ASPSPs) need to make sure that the TPPs can be registered in a seamless and ideally, a fully automated process. To avoid any obstacles that may occur, the OBIE requires the ASPSPs to provide the TPP responses real-time once the registration is processed. The Dynamic Client Registration (DCR) endpoint is capable of dynamically registering the clients with the ASPSP when the client sends a registration request with its metadata. This results in a registration response that includes a client identifier and the client metadata values registered for the client.

You can find the REST API documentation for Dynamic Client Registration v3.2 here.

This document explains how to use the Dynamic Client Registration API with WSO2 Open Banking.  

Configuring dynamic client registration

Follow the steps below to configure the DCR API v3.2 in WSO2 Open Banking.

Uploading certificate to the client trust store

You can use the OB certificates or eIDAS certificates for DCR.

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Configuring deployment.toml 

Follow the steps below to configure the DCR API v3.2 in WSO2 Open Banking.

  1. Configuring WSO2 Open Banking Identity and Access Management module:
    1. Open the   <WSO2_OB_IAM_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml   file. 
    2. To display the DCR endpoint in OpenID Connect Discovery (https://<WSO2_OB_IAM_HOST>:8243/.well-known/openid-configuration), update the value of the oauth2_dcr_url property: 

      oauth2_dcr_url = "${carbon.protocol}://<WSO2_OB_APIM_HOST>:8243/open-banking/v3.2/register"
  2. Configuring WSO2 Open Banking API Manager
    1. Open the   <WSO2_OB_APIM_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml   file. 
    2. The following property is to validate the policy, client, terms of service, logo URIs.  To validate these, set this to  true By default, this is set to false.

      uri_validation.enable = false
    3. The following property is to validate the hostnames of policy, client, terms of service, logo URIs against the hostname of redirect URIs.    To validate these, set this to  true By default, this is set to false.

      hostname_validation.enable = false
    4. The following property is to use  SoftwareID  in SSA as the name of the application.  By default, this is set to true

      software_id_as_application_name.enable = true

      Make sure to keep the software_id_as_application_name.enable property always set to true.

    5. Add the following configurations to validate the JTI claims in the JWT and the SSA in a DCR request:

      This is only available as a WSO2 Update from WSO2 Open Banking API Manager Level and WSO2 Open Banking Identity Server  Level onwards. For more information on updating WSO2 Open Banking, see Updating WSO2 Products.

      request_jti_validation.enable = true
      ssa_jti_validation.enable = true
      jti_cache_expiry_time = 60

To reflect the configuration changes, restart the servers with the API Management and Identity and Access Management modules.

[Back To Top]

Registering an application 

If your application has one or more Callback URLs that exceed the default sizes, increase the column sizes of the CALLBACK_URL columns.

The Callback URLs are stored in the database as follows:

DatabaseTableColumnDefault Size
openbank_apimgtdbAM_APPLICATIONCALLBACK_URLvarchar 512
openbank_apimgtdbIDN_OAUTH_CONSUMER_APPSCALLBACK_URLvarchar 1024

The API allows the TPP to request the ASPSP to register a new client. The process is as follows:

  1. The TPP sends a registration request,
    1. This is a POST request including a Software Statement Assertion (SSA) as a claim in the payload. This SSA contains client metadata.

      The SSA should be obtained from the Open Banking Directory by the TPP. It is signed JWT issued by the Open Banking directory.

    2. In order to try out the flow with the eIDAS approach, the TPPs have to be registered in a Qualified Trust Service Provider (QTSP). You may use the QSeal/OBSeal certificates and QWAC/OBWAC certificates instead of the signing and transport certificates, in the given order. For more information, see eIDAS Implementation for UK.

      For testing purposes, you may use the attached Signing certificates and Transport certificates, if you have configured the OB certificates:

      • To modify the request payload, use the signing certificate and the private keys attached here.

      • When invoking the API endpoints, use the transport certificates available here.

    3. The automated DCR process is carried out by calling a synapse API in the gateway. The registration request relies on Mutual TLS authentication for TPP authentication. 
    4. For the DCR endpoints, it is advised to use the CA certificate.  To obtain the CA certificate, follow the steps below:
      1. Copy the content of your SSL certificate to a file named certfile using the following command. 

        openssl s_client -connect <WSO2_OB_APIM_HOST>:8243 |tee certfile
      2. Use the generated certfile as the cacert parameter in the request.

  2. An example request sent to the DCR registration endpoint is shown below:

    curl -X POST \
      https://<WSO2_OB_APIM_HOST>:8243/open-banking/v3.2/register \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/jwt'  \
      --cacert certfile \
      -d eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJQUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IkR3TUtkV01tajdQV2ludm9xZlF5WFZ6eVo2USJ9.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.kq8UsDUcb6Ee55w4U4JhiifyUB0sSiTAnobLV1bwujfS2msdUfxDHqVjyrvx4NvPd54sXg3_k1EIRHLT4vT-zUkojqtWiB_v2ndo5UqvPUrIFoqY0IQznKBfD6cLlGQ0laYqxm_GJWAEdEv_O8Ggw_z1DMiZZRHF9Oln9zZtT95JcGeJ8JCQVDkaX_AM-fZrVaixfD4iBfy-n4H6LHCy94c1DrCM9wEGr7XfHLAVNdZe2Qbyjf1sVEPukK_ccw4AYcWUo3UJQ2WIKxZL4fBmb_3Z0ez9k31k6in86Hg4tHO9itXSVJvvzn8oAaYXXQrxfk4N1CojV3zk1bkhy6In3Q

    The payload is a signed JWT payload. To sign it, use the signing certificate issued by the Open Banking Directory. The kid parameter of the header should match the values in the kid of the signing certificate provided by the Open Banking Directory. 

     Click here to see the format of the JWT payload once decoded.
      "typ": "JWT",
      "alg": "PS256",
      "kid": "DwMKdWMmj7PWinvoqfQyXVzyZ6Q"
      "iss": "9b5usDpbNtmxDcTzs7GzKp",
      "iat": 1601982042,
      "exp": 1607252442,
      "jti": "1601982046",
      "aud": "https://localhost:8243/token",
      "scope": "accounts payments",
      "token_endpoint_auth_method": "private_key_jwt",
      "grant_types": [
      "response_types": [
        "code id_token"
      "id_token_signed_response_alg": "PS256",
      "request_object_signing_alg": "PS256",
      "software_id": "9b5usDpbNtmxDcTzs7GzKp",
      "application_type": "web",
      "redirect_uris": [
      "token_endpoint_auth_signing_alg": "PS256",
      "software_statement": "eyJhbGciOiJQUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6Ikh6YTl2NWJnREpjT25oY1VaN0JNd2JTTF80TlYwZ1NGdklqYVNYZEMtMWM9IiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.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.CA14ogdcpNwoHiIJoz6mTxNpM2wRrqiZAcbmK0RnDx2GDN3BHYnZG0Eq6VgyPbPrcRyfWl8jQs2ESsWc5JSBwejHbvpnx7kVByYkG44dhozaPANEZltNj4M912CgHeKPd_d0uID8dIUq8_s2kYMsoCccBqGyFTIymVK01HX_X_-T7npG_ovE8CLgilMFkijy5PiFC83hopxixeQfRgdmHCR_1boksbFDK3RPIEe5PiODvX8vlWB8iUGy7PGzZ0ikXBD0lx9p1AJEyYF3x1pCjsSH8tJC5E5CG0xZLQPPkT3A_SpjiUh5ElNdNcmTPow2LVSxP9QusN4vWpEMUNd9pw"

    Include the following claims in the body of the request payload;

    ClaimDescriptionSource SpecificationOptionalComments
    issRequest issuer (the TPP)[RFC7519]NO
    iatTime of issuance of the request[RFC7519]NO
    expRequest expiration time[RFC7519]NO
    audRequest audience (the ASPSP)[RFC7519]NO
    jtiThe JWT ID[RFC7519]NO
    redirect_urisRegistered URIs the TPP uses to interact with the ASPSP AS[OIDC-R]NOMust match or be a subset of the software_redirect_uris claim in the SSA.


    Specifies which token endpoint authentication method the TPP wants to use[RFC7591]NO

    private_key_jwt: If requested, the OP should extract the TPPs JWKS location from the included software statement assertion.

    tls_client_auth and private_key_jwt are the only FAPI compliant authentication methods. WSO2 Open Banking supports both these methods.

    grant_typesA JSON array specifying what the TPP can request to be supplied to the token endpoint as an exchange for an access token[RFC7591]NO
    response_typesA JSON array specifying what the TPP can request to be returned from the ASPSP authorization endpoint[RFC7591]YESA JSON array specifying what the TPP can request to be returned from the ASPSP authorisation endpoint. ASPSPs MAY reject the request if any of the requested response_types are not supported by it (as advertised at its .well-known end-points) Defaults to code id_token if not specified.


    The application name that is mentioned as software_client_id in the SSA.[RFC7591]YESIf specified, the software_id in the request must match the software_id specified in the SSA. ASPSPs can choose to allow multiple registrations for a given software client name and may take the software_id from either the SSA or the TPP as a hint.


    The scopes requested by the client (if not specified, default scopes are assigned by the AS)


    The minimum scope should be openid + whatever scopes are appropriate for the PSD2 role of the software.

    The scopes are space-delimited values.

    software_statementThe SSA issued by Open Banking identifier[RFC7519]NO
    application_typeSpecifies whether the application type is web or mobile[OIDC-R]NOMust be web, if specified.
    id_token_signed_response_algThe algorithm with which the TPP expects to sign the id_token if an id_token is returned[OIDC-R]NOSupported values must comply with [FAPI-RW] Section 8.6.


    The algorithm with which the TPP expects to sign the request object if a request object is part of the authorization request sent to the ASPSP.[OIDC-R]NOSupported values must comply with [FAPI-RW] Section 8.6.

    The payload contains an SSA. 

     Click here to see a decoded SSA...
      "alg": "PS256",
      "kid": "Hza9v5bgDJcOnhcUZ7BMwbSL_4NV0gSFvIjaSXdC-1c=",
      "typ": "JWT"
      "iss": "OpenBanking Ltd",
      "iat": 1592364568,
      "jti": "3d1b3595efac4e36",
      "software_environment": "sandbox",
      "software_mode": "Test",
      "software_id": "9b5usDpbNtmxDcTzs7GzKp",
      "software_client_id": "9b5usDpbNtmxDcTzs7GzKp",
      "software_client_name": "WSO2 Open Banking TPP (Sandbox)",
      "software_client_description": "This TPP Is created for testing purposes. ",
      "software_version": 1.5,
      "software_client_uri": "",
      "software_redirect_uris": [
      "software_roles": [
      "organisation_competent_authority_claims": {
        "authority_id": "OBGBR",
        "registration_id": "Unknown0015800001HQQrZAAX",
        "status": "Active",
        "authorisations": [
            "member_state": "GB",
            "roles": [
            "member_state": "IE",
            "roles": [
            "member_state": "NL",
            "roles": [
      "software_logo_uri": "",
      "org_status": "Active",
      "org_id": "0015800001HQQrZAAX",
      "org_name": "WSO2 (UK) LIMITED",
      "org_contacts": [
          "name": "Technical",
          "email": "",
          "phone": "+94771231234",
          "type": "Technical"
          "name": "Business",
          "email": "",
          "phone": "+94771231235",
          "type": "Business"
      "org_jwks_endpoint": "",
      "org_jwks_revoked_endpoint": "",
      "software_jwks_endpoint": "",
      "software_jwks_revoked_endpoint": "",
      "software_policy_uri": "",
      "software_tos_uri": "",
      "software_on_behalf_of_org": "WSO2 Open Banking"
  3. The ASPSP validates the SSA based on the specifications provided in the Open Banking OpenID Dynamic Client (OIDC) Registration specification.
  4. The ASPSP registers the client application using the metadata sent in the SSA.

    • If client creation is successful, the ASPSP responds with a JSON payload that describes the client that was created. The TPP can then use the client to access resources on the ASPSP's resource server. 

    • If client creation is unsuccessful, the ASPSP responds with an error payload.

      A sample response is given below:

         "scope":"accounts payments",
            "code id_token"
  5. Generate a Client Credentials grant access token for the application using the following command: 

      Click here to see how to generate the client assertion...

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Retrieving an application 

The API allows the TPP to retrieve the details for a client that has already been registered. The request relies on Mutual TLS authentication and application access token (Client Credentials grant type) for TPP authentication. 

The request has one path parameter named ClientId . It specifies the ClientId  of the application that the TPP wants to retrieve details.

  • If the request is successful and the identifier( ClientId ) matches the client to whom the Client Credentials grant access token was issued, the ASPSP returns details of the requested client
  • If the ClientId is unknown, the ASPSP responds with an Unauthorized status code and immediately revokes the access token

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Updating an application

The API allows the TPP to request the ASPSP to modify one or more attributes related to an existing client. The request relies on Mutual TLS authentication and application access token (Client Credentials grant type) for TPP authentication.

The request has one path parameter named ClientId . It specifies the ClientId of the application that the TPP wants to modify. The TPP submits a JWS payload that describes the characteristics of the client to be modified. This must include all the claims, including the ones that will not be modified.

  • If the client is successfully modified, the ASPSP responds with a JSON payload that describes the client that was created.
  • If the ClientId is unknown, the ASPSP responds with an Unauthorized status code and immediately revokes the access token.

  • If client modification is unsuccessful, the ASPSP responds with an error payload.

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Deleting an application

The API allows the TPP to request the ASPSP to delete an existing client. The request relies on Mutual TLS authentication and application access token (Client Credentials grant type) for TPP authentication.

The request has one path parameter named ClientId . It specifies the ClientId of the application that the TPP wants to delete.

  • If the request is successful and the ClientId  matches the client to whom the Client Credentials grant access token was issued, the ASPSP must delete the client and invalidate long-lived access tokens that were issued to the client
  • If the ClientId is unknown, the ASPSP responds with an Unauthorized status code and immediately revokes the access token

If the deletion is successful you will get a 204 No Content response.

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