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Project Collaboration in ActiveCollab

The third use case in the ActiveCollab business scenario is project collaboration, which includes tracking issues/bugs, providing support, and handling project discussions. This page describes these tasks and the operations you use in the ActiveCollab connector and the other ESB connectors. 


The flow for project collaboration is illustrated in the following diagram. We will use the ESB connectors for ActiveCollab, BugHerd, and Freshdesk to connect to each service. 

  1. List projects in ActiveCollab using the listProjects operation, and then for the listed projects, retrieve the list of tasks using listTasks.
  2. E ach task in ActiveCollab  will be associated with a category (Bug/Issue, Support) to represent its behavior. Retrieve the task details using the getTask operation, and then create it in BugHerd or Freshdesk as follows:
    1. If the category is ‘Bug/Issue’, create the task as a Bug/Issue in BugHerd using the createProjectTask operation.   
    2. If the category is 'Support', create the task as a Ticket in Freshdesk using the createTicket operation. 
  3. After creating the tasks in BugHerd and Freshdesk, update the tasks in ActiveCollab using the updateTask operation.

    Prerequisites for retrieving tasks from ActiveCollab and creating a corresponding task in FreshDesk or Bugherd

    • Projects and tasks must be available in ActiveCollab.
    • Projects must have a custom field to hold the corresponding BugHerd project ID.
    • Tasks must have a custom field to hold the state of the task (that is, specifying whether they have already been added to BugHerd/Freshdesk).
    • Tasks must specify whether they are a Bug/Issue or Support. You can use any names for these categories, as you will specify them in the request.
    • There has to be an active account for the user in Freshdesk.

    • There has to be an active account for the user in BugHerd and a registered project under the account.

    Request parameter descriptions are as follows:

    • activeCollabApiUrl:  API URL for the ActiveCollab account
    • activeCollabApiToken: API access token for ActiveCollab account user. User access level should be 'Read and Write' and not 'Read only'.
    • activeCollabBugherdProjectCustomFieldName: Label/Name of the project-level custom field created to hold the BugHerd Project ID.
    • activeCollabTaskDuplicateTrackerFieldName: Label/Name of the task-level custom field created to hold the state of the task (whether already added to BugHerd/Freshdesk).
    • activeCollabBugCategoryName: Category name used to categorize a task as bug when creating the task. 
    • activeCollabSupportCategoryName: Category name used to categorize a task as support when creating the task. 
    • activeCollabProjectSelection: Use 'NONE' to choose none of the projects by default to process. Use 'ALL' to choose all of the projects in the ActiveCollab account to process. 
    • activeCollabExemptProjects: Array of ActiveCollab project IDs to process or skip.
      • If 'NONE' is used for activeCollabProjectSelection, ONLY the projects specified here will be processed.
      • If 'ALL' is used for activeCollabProjectSelection, the projects specified here will be SKIPPED.
      • If the user wants to specify/override the BugHerd project ID for an ActiveCollab project, instead of specifying the ID of the project, use the following format:
        {"id": <ActiveCollab_Project_ID>, "bugherdId": <Bugherd_Project_ID>}

    • activeCollabSkipAddingProjectsToBugherd: Array of ActiveCollab project IDs whose tasks should be skipped and not added to BugHerd.
    • activeCollabSkipAddingProjectsToFreshDesk: Array of ActiveCollab project IDs whose tasks should be skipped and not added to Freshdesk.
    • activeCollabSkipAddingCompletedTasksForProjects:  Array of ActiveCollab project IDs whose tasks should be skipped and not added to Bugherd/Freshdesk if they are already completed in ActiveCollab.
    • freshdeskApiUrl:  API URL for Freshdesk account.
    • freshdeskApiKey:  API key for Freshdesk account.
    • bugHerdApiUrl:  API URL for BugHerd account. (
    • bugHerdApiKey:  API Key for BugHerd account.
    • bugHerdDefaultProjectId:  This will be used as default (Priority 3) BugHerd project ID for all the ActvieCollab Projects if both the following scenarios are encountered:
      • The BugHerd project ID is not specified along with the ActiveCollab project ID in activeCollabExemptProjects (Priority 1).

      • The BugHerd project ID is not specified in a custom field in ActiveCollab projects, or the name of the custom field is not specified in activeCollabBugherdProjectCustomFieldName (Priority 2).

ActiveCollab operations
BugHerd operations
Freshdesk operations
Sample proxy for retrieving tasks from ActiveCollab and creating a corresponding task in FreshDesk/Bugherd
<!--This proxy defines a sequence for updateCustomFields. Because this sequence is being used by templates, which require that properties are defined with the 'uri.var' prefix, the following properties have been defined with this prefix:
<proxy xmlns="" name="activeCollab_retrieveTaskAndCreateRecord" transports="https,http" startOnLoad="true" trace="disable">
    <description />
        <inSequence onError="faultHandlerSeq">
            <!--ActiveCollab Properties-->
            <property name="uri.var.activecollabApiUrl" expression="json-eval($.activeCollabApiUrl)" scope="operation" />
            <property name="uri.var.activecollabApiToken" expression="json-eval($.activeCollabApiToken)" scope="operation" />
            <!--Project-level custom field that holds the corresponding BugHerd Project Name-->
            <property name="activecollab.bugherdProjectCustomFieldName" expression="json-eval($.activeCollabBugherdProjectCustomFieldName)" scope="operation" />
            <!--Task-level custom field that holds the state indicating whether the task has been already added to BugHerd/Freshdesk-->
            <property name="activecollab.taskDuplicateTrackerFieldName" expression="json-eval($.activeCollabTaskDuplicateTrackerFieldName)" scope="operation" />
            <!--Name given for Bug/Issue category for tasks in ActiveCollab-->
            <property name="activecollab.bugCategoryName" expression="json-eval($.activeCollabBugCategoryName)" scope="operation" />
            <!--Name given for Support category for tasks in ActiveCollab-->
            <property name="activecollab.supportCategoryName" expression="json-eval($.activeCollabSupportCategoryName)" scope="operation" />
            <!--NONE - Choose only the projects specified in exemptProjects. Absence of the parameter or any other values would choose all the projects under the account and skip the projects specified in exemptProjects.-->
            <property name="activecollab.projectSelection" expression="json-eval($.activeCollabProjectSelection)" scope="operation" />
            <!--Skip/Select the tasks of the specified project(s) from being added to BugHerd/Freshdesk-->
            <property name="activecollab.exemptProjects" expression="json-eval($.activeCollabExemptProjects)" scope="operation" />
            <!--Skip/Select the tasks of the specified project(s) from being added to BugHerd-->
            <property name="activecollab.skipAddingProjectsToBugherd" expression="json-eval($.activeCollabSkipAddingProjectsToBugherd)" scope="operation" />
            <!--Skip/Select the tasks of the specified project(s) from being added to Freshdesk-->
            <property name="activecollab.skipAddingProjectsToFreshdesk" expression="json-eval($.activeCollabSkipAddingProjectsToFreshDesk)" scope="operation" />
            <!--Skip/Select completed tasks-->
            <property name="activecollab.skipAddingCompletedTasksForProjects" expression="json-eval($.activeCollabSkipAddingCompletedTasksForProjects)" scope="operation" />
            <!--Freshdesk Properties-->
            <property name="freshdesk.apiUrl" expression="json-eval($.freshdeskApiUrl)" scope="operation" />
            <property name="freshdesk.apiKey" expression="json-eval($.freshdeskApiKey)" scope="operation" />
            <!--BugHerd Properties-->
            <property name="bugherd.apiUrl" expression="json-eval($.bugHerdApiUrl)" scope="operation" />
            <property name="bugherd.apiKey" expression="json-eval($.bugHerdApiKey)" scope="operation" />
            <property name="bugherd.defaultProjectId" expression="json-eval($.bugHerdDefaultProjectId)" scope="operation" />
            <!--If the user doesn't specify the category name for Bug/Issue, it will default to 'Bug/Issue'-->
            <filter source="boolean(get-property('operation', 'activecollab.bugCategoryName'))" regex="false">
                    <property name="activecollab.bugCategoryName" value="Bug/Issue" scope="operation" />
            <!--If the user doesn't specify the category name for Support tasks, it will default to 'Support'-->
            <filter source="boolean(get-property('operation', 'activecollab.supportCategoryName'))" regex="false">
                    <property name="activecollab.supportCategoryName" value="Support" scope="operation" />
            <!--Check whether the apiUrl and apiToken are provided by the user.-->
            <filter xpath="boolean(get-property('operation','uri.var.activecollabApiUrl'))
							and boolean(get-property('operation','uri.var.activecollabApiToken'))">
                    <!--Get the required properties for Axis2 Scope from operation scope-->
                    <property name="uri.var.activecollabApiUrl" expression="get-property('operation','uri.var.activecollabApiUrl') " />
                    <property name="uri.var.activecollabApiToken" expression="get-property('operation','uri.var.activecollabApiToken')" />
					<sequence key="activecollab-removeResponseHeaders" />
                    <!--Global Properties-->					
                    <property name="noOfProjects" expression="count(//projects/project)" scope="operation" />
                    <property name="projectIndex" expression="0" scope="operation" />
                    <property name="noOfTasks" expression="0" scope="operation" />
                    <property name="taskIndex" expression="0" scope="operation" />
                    <property name="responseString" value="" scope="operation" />
                    <property name="bugherdProjectIds" value="" scope="operation" />
                    <!--FOR EACH Projects : BEGIN-->
                    <iterate continueParent="true" id="projects" expression="//projects/project" sequential="true">
                                <!--Get all the properties for Axis2 Scope-->	
                                <property name="uri.var.activecollabApiUrl" expression="get-property('operation','uri.var.activecollabApiUrl') " />
                                <property name="uri.var.activecollabApiToken" expression="get-property('operation','uri.var.activecollabApiToken')" />
                                <property name="activecollab.bugherdProjectCustomFieldName" expression="get-property('operation','activecollab.bugherdProjectCustomFieldName')" />
                                <property name="activecollab.taskDuplicateTrackerFieldName" expression="get-property('operation','activecollab.taskDuplicateTrackerFieldName')" />
                                <property name="activecollab.bugCategoryName" expression="get-property('operation','activecollab.bugCategoryName')" />
                                <property name="activecollab.supportCategoryName" expression="get-property('operation','activecollab.supportCategoryName')" />
                                <property name="activecollab.projectSelection" expression="fn:upper-case(get-property('operation','activecollab.projectSelection'))" />
                                <property name="activecollab.exemptProjects" expression="get-property('operation','activecollab.exemptProjects')" />
                                <property name="activecollab.skipAddingProjectsToBugherd" expression="get-property('operation','activecollab.skipAddingProjectsToBugherd')" />
                                <property name="activecollab.skipAddingProjectsToFreshdesk" expression="get-property('operation','activecollab.skipAddingProjectsToFreshdesk')" />
                                <property name="activecollab.skipAddingCompletedTasksForProjects" expression="get-property('operation','activecollab.skipAddingCompletedTasksForProjects')" />
                                <property name="freshdesk.apiUrl" expression="get-property('operation','freshdesk.apiUrl')" />
                                <property name="freshdesk.apiKey" expression="get-property('operation','freshdesk.apiKey')" />
                                <property name="bugherd.apiUrl" expression="get-property('operation','bugherd.apiUrl')" />
                                <property name="bugherd.apiKey" expression="get-property('operation','bugherd.apiKey')" />
                                <property name="bugherd.defaultProjectId" expression="get-property('operation','bugherd.defaultProjectId')" />
								<!--Extract ProjectName and ProjectId from the message.-->
                                <property name="activecollab.projectName" expression="//project/name/text()" />
                                <property name="uri.var.activecollabProjectId" expression="//project/id/text()" />
                                <!--Check whether the particular project needs to be processed/skipped if it is specified as String/number.
								Extract the BugHerd ID if it is specified as well.-->
                                <script language="js">
											var exemptProjects = mc.getProperty("activecollab.exemptProjects");
											var projectId = mc.getProperty("uri.var.activecollabProjectId");
											var projectSelection = mc.getProperty("activecollab.projectSelection");
											var jsonArray = eval("(" + exemptProjects + ")");
											if(projectSelection == "NONE"){
												mc.setProperty('proceed', 'false');
											} else {
												mc.setProperty('proceed', 'true');
											if(jsonArray.length != 0){
												for(var index = 0; index &lt; jsonArray.length; index++){
													// If the current value is an object
													if(typeof jsonArray[index] == 'object'){	
														// If the projectId is the required one
														if(projectId == jsonArray[index].id){
															if(projectSelection == "NONE"){
																mc.setProperty('proceed', 'true');
															} else {
																mc.setProperty('proceed', 'false');
															if(jsonArray[index]['bugherdId'] != null){
																var bugherdId = '' + jsonArray[index]['bugherdId'];
																mc.setProperty('bugherd.projectId', bugherdId.split('.')[0]);
													} else {
														if(projectId == jsonArray[index]){
															if(projectSelection == "NONE"){
																mc.setProperty('proceed', 'true');
															} else {
																mc.setProperty('proceed', 'false');
                                <filter xpath="get-property('proceed') = 'true'">
                                    <then><!--PROJECT CONSIDERED: True-->
                                        <!--Try to extract the BugHerd project ID from ActiveCollab project custom field only if the user has not explicitly provided it.-->
                                        <filter source="boolean(get-property('bugherd.projectId'))" regex="false">
                                                <property name="noOfProjectCustomFields" expression="count(//project/custom_fields/*)" />
                                                <property name="messageType" value="application/json" scope="axis2" />
                                                <property name="customFields" expression="json-eval($.project.custom_fields)" />
                                                <!--Extract the Bugherd Project ID from Project custom field.-->
                                                <script language="js">
													var noOfCustomFields = mc.getProperty("noOfProjectCustomFields");
													var bugherdProjectCustomFieldName = mc.getProperty("activecollab.bugherdProjectCustomFieldName");
													var activeCollabProjectId = mc.getProperty("uri.var.activecollabProjectId");											
													var customFields = eval("(" + mc.getProperty("customFields") + ")");
													for(var index=1; index &lt;= noOfCustomFields; index++){
														if(customFields["custom_field_" + index].label == bugherdProjectCustomFieldName){
															var bugherProjectId = '' + customFields["custom_field_" + index].value;
															if(bugherProjectId != 'null'){
																mc.setProperty('bugherd.projectId', bugherProjectId.split('.')[0]);
                                        <!--If the BugHerd Project ID is still null, get the default BugHerd Project ID if provided.-->
                                        <filter source="boolean(get-property('bugherd.projectId'))" regex="false">
                                                <filter source="boolean(get-property('bugherd.defaultProjectId'))" regex="true">
                                                        <property name="bugherd.projectId" expression="get-property('bugherd.defaultProjectId')" />
                                        <!--Check whether the project tasks need to be skipped from being added to Freshdesk/BugHerd, and whether
										to add completed tasks.-->
                                        <property name="proceed.bugherd" value="true" />
                                        <property name="proceed.freshdesk" value="true" />
                                        <property name="skipCompletedTasks" value="false" />
                                        <script language="js">var skipAddingProjectsToBugherd = mc.getProperty("activecollab.skipAddingProjectsToBugherd");
											var skipAddingProjectsToFreshdesk = mc.getProperty("activecollab.skipAddingProjectsToFreshdesk");
											var skipAddingCompletedTasksForProjects = mc.getProperty("activecollab.skipAddingCompletedTasksForProjects");
											var projectId = mc.getProperty("uri.var.activecollabProjectId");
											// Check whether the tasks of current project should be skipped from being added to BugHerd.
											var jsonArray = eval("(" + skipAddingProjectsToBugherd + ")");
											if(jsonArray.length != 0){
												for(var index = 0; index &lt; jsonArray.length; index++){
													if(projectId == jsonArray[index]){
														mc.setProperty('proceed.bugherd', 'false');
											// Check whether the tasks of current project should be skipped from being added to Freshdesk.
											jsonArray = eval("(" + skipAddingProjectsToFreshdesk + ")");
											if(jsonArray.length != 0){
												for(var index = 0; index &lt; jsonArray.length; index++){
													if(projectId == jsonArray[index]){
														mc.setProperty('proceed.freshdesk', 'false');
											// Check whether the completed tasks of current project should be skipped.
											jsonArray = eval("(" + skipAddingCompletedTasksForProjects + ")");
											if(jsonArray.length != 0){
												for(var index = 0; index &lt; jsonArray.length; index++){
													if(projectId == jsonArray[index]){
														mc.setProperty('skipCompletedTasks', 'true');
										<!--If the project tasks have not been skipped from being added to both BugHerd and Freshdesk-->
                                        <filter xpath="get-property('proceed.bugherd') = 'true' or get-property('proceed.freshdesk') = 'true'">
                                            <then><!--PROJECT CONSIDERED: True-->
												<sequence key="activecollab-removeResponseHeaders" />
                                                <!--Update the number of tasks to be Processed with each list of tasks.-->
                                                <property name="noOfTasks" expression="get-property('operation','noOfTasks') + count(//tasks/task)" scope="operation" />
                                                <!--Increment the Project Index-->
                                                <property name="projectIndex" expression="get-property('operation','projectIndex') + 1" scope="operation" />
                                                <!--FOR EACH Tasks: BEGIN-->
                                                <iterate continueParent="true" id="tasks" expression="//tasks/task" sequential="true">
                                                            <!--Extracting Task specific information from the message-->
                                                            <property name="uri.var.activecollabTaskId" expression="//task/task_id/text()" />
                                                            <property name="activecollab.taskName" expression="//task/name/text()" />
                                                            <property name="activecollab.taskCompleted" expression="//task/is_completed/text()" />
                                                            <!--Check whether the task has been already added or whether it is a new task-->
                                                            <property name="noOfTaskCustomFields" expression="count(//task/custom_fields/*)" />
                                                            <property name="messageType" value="application/json" scope="axis2" />
                                                            <property name="customFields" expression="json-eval($.task.custom_fields)" />
                                                            <script language="js">
																var noOfCustomFields = mc.getProperty("noOfTaskCustomFields");															
																var taskDuplicateTrackerFieldName = mc.getProperty("activecollab.taskDuplicateTrackerFieldName");																
																var customFields = eval("(" + mc.getProperty("customFields") + ")");																
																for(var index=1; index &lt;= noOfCustomFields; index++){
																	if(customFields["custom_field_" + index].label == taskDuplicateTrackerFieldName){
																		var customFieldValue = customFields["custom_field_" + index].value;
																		if(customFieldValue == null){
																			mc.setProperty('alreadyAdded', 'false');
																			mc.setProperty('uri.var.customFieldIndicator', "custom_field_" + index);
																		} else {
																			mc.setProperty('alreadyAdded', 'true');
																			mc.setProperty('existingValue', customFieldValue);
															<!--Set the ID element for the response handler.-->
                                                            <property name="id" expression="fn:concat('project_id:', get-property('uri.var.activecollabProjectId'), ',project_name:', get-property('activecollab.projectName'), ',task_id:', get-property('uri.var.activecollabTaskId'), ',task_name:', get-property('activecollab.taskName'))" />
                                                            <filter xpath="get-property('alreadyAdded') = 'false'">
                                                                    <!--If the task is completed and specified to be exempted from being added to BugHerd/Freshdesk.-->
                                                                            <!--Response to the User-->
                                                                    <filter xpath="get-property('skipCompletedTasks') = 'true'
																				and get-property('activecollab.taskCompleted') = '1'">
                                                                        <then>                                                                                                                                                                                  	<property name="message" value="Task was skipped because the user has specified to skip adding completed tasks to Freshdesk/BugHerd." />
                                                                            <property name="status" value="Skipped" />
                                                                            <!--Retrieve the particular task.-->
                                                                            <sequence key="activecollab-retrieveTaskFromActiveCollab" />																			
                                                                            <property name="statusIndicator" value="false" />																			
                                                                            <!--Check whether the task should be/could be added to BugHerd.-->																			
                                                                            <filter xpath="fn:lower-case(get-property('uri.var.responseCategoryName')) = fn:lower-case(get-property('activecollab.bugCategoryName'))
																							and boolean(get-property('proceed.bugherd'))
																							and get-property('proceed.bugherd') = 'true'
																							and boolean(get-property('bugherd.apiKey')) 
																							and boolean(get-property('bugherd.apiUrl'))">
                                                                                    <property name="statusIndicator" value="true" />
                                                                                    <filter source="boolean(get-property('bugherd.projectId'))" regex="true">                                                                          <then>
                                                                                            <!--Create Bug in BugHerd-->
                                                                                            <sequence key="bugherd-createBugInBugherdFromActiveCollab" />																						
                                                                                            <property name="bugherd.taskId" expression="json-eval($" />
                                                                                            <filter source="boolean(get-property('bugherd.taskId'))" regex="true">
                                                                                                <then><!--If creation is successful-->
                                                                                                    <property name="bugherd.taskDescription" expression="json-eval($.task.description)" />
                                                                                                    <property name="uri.var.customValue" expression="fn:concat('Bugherd Task ID - ', get-property('bugherd.taskId'))" />
																									<sequence key="activecollab-updateCustomFieldInActiveCollab"/>
																									<property name="updatedTaskId" expression="json-eval($.task_id)"/>
																									<filter source="boolean(get-property('updatedTaskId'))" regex="true">
																									  <then><!--If update is successful-->
																										 <property name="message" expression="fn:concat('Added to Bugherd ( Bug ID:', get-property('bugherd.taskId'), ' | Bug Description: ', get-property('bugherd.taskDescription'), ' )')"/>
																										 <property name="status" value="Success"/>
																									  <else><!--If update fails-->
																										 <property name="message" expression="fn:concat('Task was successfully added to BugHerd. Unknown error occured while updating the custom field of the task in ActiveCollab. Please update the task manually as follows: (custom_field : ', get-property('customFieldIndicator'), ', value: ', get-property('customValue'), ')')"/>
																										 <property name="status" value="Error"/>
                                                                                                <else><!--If creation fails-->
																									<property name="apiResponse" expression="json-eval($)" />
																									<script language="js">
																											var messageObject = new Object();
																											messageObject["description"] = "Unknown error occured while adding the task to BugHerd.";
																											messageObject["response_from_bugherd"] = eval("(" + mc.getProperty('apiResponse') + ")");
																									<property name="message" expression="json-eval($)" />
                                                                                                    <property name="status" value="Error" />
                                                                                            <!--If the BugHerd Project ID cannot be retrieved.-->
                                                                                            <property name="message" value="Task cannot be added to BugHerd because the Bugherd Project ID for the ActiveCollab Project couldn't be retrieved!" />
                                                                                            <property name="status" value="Failure" />
                                                                            <!--Check whether the task should be/could be added to BugHerd.-->
                                                                            <filter xpath="fn:lower-case(get-property('uri.var.responseCategoryName')) = fn:lower-case(get-property('activecollab.supportCategoryName'))
																							and boolean(get-property('proceed.freshdesk'))
																							and get-property('proceed.freshdesk') = 'true'
																							and boolean(get-property('freshdesk.apiUrl'))
																							and boolean(get-property('freshdesk.apiKey'))">
                                                                                    <property name="statusIndicator" value="true" />
                                                                                    <!--Create Ticket in Freshdesk.-->
                                                                                    <sequence key="freshdesk-createTicketInFreshdeskFromActiveCollab" />
                                                                                    <property name="freshdesk.taskId" expression="json-eval($" />
                                                                                    <filter source="boolean(get-property('freshdesk.taskId'))" regex="true">
                                                                                        <then><!--If creation is successful-->
                                                                                            <property name="freshdesk.taskDescription" expression="json-eval($.helpdesk_ticket.description)" />
                                                                                            <property name="uri.var.customValue" expression="fn:concat('Freshdesk Ticket ID - ', get-property('freshdesk.taskId'))" />
																							<sequence key="activecollab-updateCustomFieldInActiveCollab"/>																							
																							 <property name="updatedTaskId" expression="json-eval($.task_id)"/>
																							 <filter source="boolean(get-property('updatedTaskId'))" regex="true">
																								<then><!--If update is successful-->
																								   <property name="message" expression="fn:concat('Added to Freshdesk ( Ticket ID:', get-property('freshdesk.taskId'), ' | Ticket Description: ', get-property('freshdesk.taskDescription'), ' )')"/>
																								   <property name="status" value="Success"/>
																								<else><!--If update fails-->
																								   <property name="message" expression="fn:concat('Task was successfully added to Freshdesk. Unknown error occured while updating the custom field of the task in ActiveCollab. Please update the custom_field of the task manually as follows: (custom_field : ', get-property('customFieldIndicator'), ', value: ', get-property('customValue'), ')')"/>
																								   <property name="status" value="Error"/>
                                                                                        <else><!--If creation fails-->
																							<property name="apiResponse" expression="json-eval($)" />
																							<script language="js">
																											var messageObject = new Object();
																											messageObject["description"] = "Unknown error occured while adding the task to Freshdesk.";
																											messageObject["response_from_freshdesk"] = eval("(" + mc.getProperty('apiResponse') + ")");
																							<property name="message" expression="json-eval($)" />
                                                                                            <property name="status" value="Error" />
                                                                            <!--If the task was not added to both APIs-->
                                                                            <filter xpath="get-property('statusIndicator') = 'false'">																				
                                                                                    <property name="status" value="Skipped" />																					
																					<filter source="boolean(get-property('uri.var.responseCategoryName'))" regex="true">																				
																						<then><!--If the retrieved category name has some non-empty value.-->
																							<filter xpath="fn:lower-case(get-property('uri.var.responseCategoryName')) != fn:lower-case(get-property('activecollab.bugCategoryName'))
																										and fn:lower-case(get-property('uri.var.responseCategoryName')) != fn:lower-case(get-property('activecollab.supportCategoryName'))">																				
																								<then><!--If the retrieved category name doesn't belong to both Bug AND Support-->
																									<property name="message" value="The task doesn't belong to Bug category nor Support category." />
																								<else><!--If the retrieved category name belongs to either Bug or Category-->
																									<filter xpath="fn:lower-case(get-property('uri.var.responseCategoryName')) = fn:lower-case(get-property('activecollab.bugCategoryName'))">																				
																										<then><!--If the retrieved category name belongs to Bug-->
																											<filter xpath="get-property('bugherd.apiKey') = '' or get-property('bugherd.apiUrl') = ''">																				
																												<then><!--If the user has not provided Bugherd ApiUrl or ApiKey-->
																													<property name="status" value="Failure" />		
																													<property name="message" value="BugHerd ApiUrl and/or ApiKey is missing in the request." />
																												<else><!--User wants to skip the task from being added to Bugherd.-->
																													<property name="message" value="User has explicitly specified to skip adding the task to BugHerd." />
																										<else><!--If the retrieved category name belongs to Support-->
																											<filter xpath="get-property('freshdesk.apiKey') = '' or get-property('freshdesk.apiUrl') = ''">																				
																												<then><!--If the user has not provided Freshdesk ApiUrl or ApiKey-->
																													<property name="status" value="Failure" />		
																													<property name="message" value="Freshdesk ApiUrl and/or ApiKey is missing in the request." />
																												<else><!--User wants to skip the task from being added to Freshdesk.-->
																													<property name="message" value="User has explicitly specified to skip adding the task to Freshdesk." />
																						<else><!--If the retrieved category name is null or empty.-->
																							<property name="message" value="The task is not categorized." />
                                                                    <!--If the task was already added.-->
                                                                    <property name="message" expression="fn:concat('The task was already added to BugHerd/Freshdesk. ', get-property('existingValue'))" />
                                                                    <property name="status" value="Already added" />
															<!--Call the responseHandler template-->
                                                            <call-template target="responseHandlerTemplate">
                                                                <with-param name="id" value="{$ctx:id}" />
                                                                <with-param name="status" value="{$ctx:status}" />
                                                                <with-param name="message" value="{$ctx:message}" />
                                                            <!--Increment the Task Index-->
                                                            <property name="taskIndex" expression="get-property('operation','taskIndex') + 1" scope="operation" />
                                                </iterate><!--FOR EACH Tasks: END-->
                                            </then><!--PROJECT CONSIDERED: True-->
                                            <else><!--PROJECT CONSIDERED: False-->
                                                <property name="projectIndex" expression="get-property('operation','projectIndex') + 1" scope="operation" />
                                            </else><!--PROJECT CONSIDERED: False-->
                                    </then><!--PROJECT CONSIDERED: True-->
                                        <!--PROJECT CONSIDERED: False-->
                                        <property name="projectIndex" expression="get-property('operation','projectIndex') + 1" scope="operation" />
                                    </else><!--PROJECT CONSIDERED: False-->
                    </iterate><!--FOR EACH Projects : END-->
                    <!--Loopback only if all tasks of all projects are fully processed.-->
                    <filter xpath="get-property('operation', 'projectIndex') = get-property('operation', 'noOfProjects')         and get-property('operation', 'taskIndex') = get-property('operation', 'noOfTasks')">
                            <loopback />
                    <!--If the apiUrl and apiToken are not provided by the user.-->
                    <payloadFactory media-type="json">
								"activityResponse":"Unable to continue. Please provide apiUrl and apiToken for ActiveCollab."
                    <property name="messageType" value="application/json" scope="axis2" />
                    <respond />
            <payloadFactory media-type="json">
                    <arg expression="get-property('operation','responseString')" />
            <property name="messageType" value="application/json" scope="axis2" />
            <send />
Sample request for retrieving tasks from ActiveCollab and creating a corresponding task in FreshDesk/BugHerd