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Working with Twilio SMS messages
The following operations are available for working with SMS messages. Click an operation name to see details on how to use it.
For a sample proxy service that illustrates how to work with SMS messages, see Sample configuration.
Operation | Description |
sendSms | Sends a new outgoing SMS message. |
getSmsList | Retrieves a list of SMS messages associated with your account. |
getSms | Retrieves information about a specific SMS message. |
Operation details
This section provides further details on the operations related to SMS messages
Sending an SMS messageÂ
<twilioRest.sendSms> <messageBody>{$ctx:messageBody}</messageBody> <to>{$ctx:to}</to> <from>{$ctx:from}</from> <statusCallbackUrl>{$ctx:statusCallbackUrl}</statusCallBackUrl> <applicationSid>{$ctx:applicationSid}</applicationSid> </twilioRest.sendSms>
To send an SMS message, use twilioRest.sendSms
 and specify the following properties.
: The text of the message you want to send, up to 160
: The destination phone number. Format with a '+' and country code, e.g., +16175551212 (E.164Â format). For 'To' numbers without a '+', Twilio will use the same country code as the 'From' number. Twilio will also attempt to handle locally formatted numbers for that country code (e.g., (415) 555-1212 for US, 07400123456 for GB). If you are sending to a different country than the 'From' number, you must include a '+' and the country code to ensure proper delivery.from
: A Twilio phone number enabled for SMS. Only phone numbers  purchased from Twilio work here; for example, you cannot spoof SMS messages from your own cell phone number.statusCallbackUrl
: Optional. A URL that Twilio will POST to when your message is processed. Twilio will POST the SMS SID as well as statusÂsent
: Optional. Twilio will POST the SMS SID as well as statusÂsent
 to the URL in the SMS status callback property of this application. If theÂstatusCallBackUrl
 parameter above is also passed, the application's SMS status callback parameter will take precedence.
Sample request
Following is a sample REST/JSON request that can be handled by the sendSms operation.
{ "accountSid":"AC3c4055d0dd73aab7b5b1b26c0794e9c6", "authToken":"cdd1fdb143d482a05e4f1f6fdb195395", "apiUrl":"", "apiVersion":"2010-04-01", "messageBody":"Hi ,Test for sendSms", "to":"+447891063180", "from":"+442033229574", "statusCallbackUrl":"", "applicationSid":"AP2a0747eba6abf96b7e3c3ff0b4530f6e" }
Related Twilio documentation
Getting a list of SMS messagesÂ
<twilioRest.getSmsList> <to>{$ctx:to}</to> <from>{$ctx:from}</from> <dateSent>{$ctx:dateSent}</dateSent> </twilioRest.getSmsList>
To get a list of SMS messages associated with this account, including the SID, status, and more for each message, use twilioRest.getSmsList
 and specify the following properties. The list includes paging information.
: Optional. Only shows messages to the specified phone number.from
: Optional. Only shows messages from the specified phone number.dateSent
: Optional. Only shows messages sent on this date (in GMT format), given as YYYY-MM-DD. You can also specify inequality, such asÂ<=YYYY-MM-DD
 for SMS messages that were sent on or before midnight on a date, andÂ>=YYYY-MM-DD
 for SMS messages sent on or after midnight on a date.
Sample request
Following is a sample REST/JSON request that can be handled by the getSmsList operation.
{ "accountSid":"AC3c4055d0dd73aab7b5b1b26c0794e9c6", "authToken":"cdd1fdb143d482a05e4f1f6fdb195395", "apiUrl":"", "apiVersion":"2010-04-01", "to":"+447891063180", "from":"+442033229574", "dateSent":"2015-08-25" }
Related Twilio documentation
Getting a specific SMS messageÂ
<twilioRest.getSms> <messageSid>{$ctx:messageSid}</messageSid> </twilioRest.getSms>
To get information about a specific SMS message, including the SID, status, and more, use twilioRest.getSms
 and specify the following properties.
: The 34-character string that uniquely identifies this SMS message.
Sample request
Following is a sample REST/JSON request that can be handled by the getSms operation.
{ "accountSid":"AC3c4055d0dd73aab7b5b1b26c0794e9c6", "authToken":"cdd1fdb143d482a05e4f1f6fdb195395", "apiUrl":"", "apiVersion":"2010-04-01", "messageSid":"SM9e1e9c906e2d477c992ac05ab88d3ffb" }
Related Twilio documentation
Sample configuration
Following is a sample proxy service that illustrates how to connect to TwilioRest with the init
 operation and use the sendsms operation. The sample request for this proxy can be found in sendSms sample request. You can use this sample as a template for using other operations in this category.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <proxy xmlns="" name="twilioRest" transports="https,http" statistics="disable" trace="disable" startOnLoad="true"> <target> <inSequence onError="faultHandlerSeq"> <property name="accountSid" expression="//accountSid/text()"/> <property name="authToken" expression="//authToken/text()"/> <property name="apiUrl" expression="//apiUrl/text()"/> <property name="apiVersion" expression="//apiVersion/text()"/> <property name="messageBody" expression="//messageBody/text()"/> <property name="to" expression="//to/text()"/> <property name="from" expression="//from/text()"/> <property name="statusCallbackUrl" expression="//statusCallbackUrl/text()"/> <property name="applicationSid" expression="//applicationSid/text()"/> <twilioRest.init> <accountSid>{$ctx:accountSid}</accountSid> <authToken>{$ctx:authToken}</authToken> <apiUrl>{$ctx:apiUrl}</apiUrl> <apiVersion>{$ctx:apiVersion}</apiVersion> </twilioRest.init> <twilioRest.sendSms> <messageBody>{$ctx:messageBody}</messageBody> <to>{$ctx:to}</to> <from>{$ctx:from}</from> <statusCallbackUrl>{$ctx:statusCallbackUrl}</statusCallbackUrl> <applicationSid>{$ctx:applicationSid}</applicationSid> </twilioRest.sendSms> <respond/> </inSequence> <outSequence> <log/> <send/> </outSequence> </target> <description/> </proxy>