Case Creation in Producteev

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Case Creation in Producteev

The first use case in the Producteev business scenario is case creation. This page describes the relevant tasks and the operations you use in the Producteev connector and the other ESB connectors.


The flow for case creation is illustrated in the following diagram. The ESB connectors for JotForm and Zoho CRM will be used to connect to each service.


There should be a pre-designed and published form in JotForm to retrieve the submissions. There should also be a custom field available for cases in Zoho CRM to select the type of the case (a customized drop-down list can be created for cases in Zoho CRM making available the two types of issues the user can report i.e ‘Bug’ and ‘Production Issue’).

  1. Retrieve form submissions from the JotForm API using the getFormSubmissions operation.
  2. Retrieve the potential from the Zoho CRM API using the getRecordsById operation.
  3. Create a new case for the potential in the Zoho CRM API using the insertRecords operation.
  4. Update the form submission by changing the flag value to '1' after case creation in the JotForm API using the updateSubmission operation. 
JotForm operations
Zoho CRM operations


  1. Create a new form in the JotForm API with the following fields:
    1. 'Your name': Text box to retrieve requester's name ( Make sure to enable "Required" to this form field).
    2. 'Your email': Text box to retrieve requester's e-mail address ( Make sure to enable "Required" to this form field and add "Email" validation this field).
    3. 'Type a brief subject about your query': Text box to retrieve the subject of the query ( Make sure to enable "Required" to this form field). 
    4. 'Describe your query': Text area to  to retrieve the query details( Make sure to enable "Required" to this form field).
    5. 'Your project reference': Text box to retrieve the requester's Zoho CRM potential ID (Make sure to enable "Required" to this form field).

  2.  Get at least one submission for the created form in prerequisites (1).
Sample Proxy for retrieving form submission details from JotForm and creating new cases in Zoho CRM
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   Copyright (c) 2005-2015, WSO2 Inc. (http://www.wso2.org) All Rights Reserved.
   WSO2 Inc. licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
   Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
   in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at
   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
   software distributed under the License is distributed on an
   KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
   specific language governing permissions and limitations
   under the License.
<!-- Retrieving form submissions from JotForm API and create cases in ZohoCRM API -->
<proxy xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/ns/synapse" name="producteev_retrieveSubmissionsAndCreateCases" transports="https,http" statistics="disable" trace="disable" startOnLoad="true">
      <inSequence onError="faultHandlerSeq">
         <!--Jotform Properties -->
         <property name="jotform.apiUrl" value="https://api.jotform.com" />
         <property name="jotform.apiKey" expression="json-eval($.jotform.apiKey)" />
         <property name="jotform.formId" expression="json-eval($.jotform.formId)" />
         <!--ZohoCRM Properties -->
         <property name="zohocrm.apiUrl" value="https://crm.zoho.com" />
         <property name="zohocrm.accessToken" expression="json-eval($.zohocrm.accessToken)" />
         <!-- Calling Jotform getFormSubmissions to retrieve submissions information -->
         <!-- Validating the getFormSubmission response -->
         <filter source="$axis2:HTTP_SC" regex="200">
               <property name="jotform.newSubmissionCount" expression="count(//content/flag[.='0'])" />
               <!-- Process only if new submission(s) available which flaged as '0' -->
               <filter xpath="get-property('jotform.newSubmissionCount')=0.0">
                     <property name="id" expression="fn:concat('jotform_formId:',get-property('jotform.formId'))" />
                     <property name="status" value="Skipped" />
                     <property name="message" value="There are no new submission(s) for this form." />
                     <call-template target="responseHandlerTemplate">
                        <with-param name="id" value="{$ctx:id}" />
                        <with-param name="activity" value="jotform_listSubmissions" />
                        <with-param name="status" value="{$ctx:status}" />
                        <with-param name="message" value="{$ctx:message}" />
                     <loopback />
                     <property name="submissionIndex" expression="0.0" scope="operation" />
                     <property name="submissionCount" expression="count(//content)" scope="operation" />
                     <!--FOR EACH submissions : BEGIN -->
                     <iterate continueParent="false" id="submissions" expression="//content" sequential="true">
                              <property name="jotform.submissionFlag" expression="json-eval($.content.flag)" />
                              <property name="jotform.submissionId" expression="json-eval($.content.id)" />
                              <!-- Getting only new submissions to process -->
                              <filter xpath="get-property('jotform.submissionFlag')='0'">
                                    <property name="zohocrm.caseReportedBy" expression="//answer[../text/text() = 'Your name']" />
                                    <property name="zohocrm.caseEmail" expression="//answer[../text/text() = 'Your email']" />
                                    <property name="zohocrm.potentialId" expression="//answer[../text/text() = 'Your project referance']" />
                                    <property name="zohocrm.caseSubject" expression="//answer[../text/text() = 'Type a brief subject about your query']" />
                                    <property name="zohocrm.caseDescription" expression="//answer[../text/text() = 'Describe your query']" />
                                    <!-- Process only the potential ID value is not empty -->
                                    <filter source="boolean(get-property('zohocrm.potentialId'))" regex="false">
                                          <property name="id" expression="fn:concat('jotform_submissionId:',get-property('jotform.submissionId'))" />
                                          <property name="status" value="Skipped" />
                                          <property name="message" value="project referance is empty in this submission." />
                                          <call-template target="responseHandlerTemplate">
                                             <with-param name="id" value="{$ctx:id}" />
                                             <with-param name="activity" value="retrieveSubmissionsAndCreateCases" />
                                             <with-param name="status" value="{$ctx:status}" />
                                             <with-param name="message" value="{$ctx:message}" />
                                          <!-- Calling getRecordsById method in ZohoCRM to get the potential -->
                                          <property name="potentialId" expression="json-eval($.response.result.Potentials.row.FL[0].content)" />
                                          <!-- Validating the ZohoCRM potential ID and process the rest only if the potential ID is valid -->
                                          <filter source="boolean(get-property('potentialId'))" regex="false">
                                                <property name="id" expression="fn:concat('zohocrm_potentialId:',get-property('zohocrm.potentialId'))" />
                                                <property name="status" value="Error" />
                                                <property name="message" expression="json-eval($)" />
                                                <call-template target="responseHandlerTemplate">
                                                   <with-param name="id" value="{$ctx:id}" />
                                                   <with-param name="activity" value="zohocrm_createCase" />
                                                   <with-param name="status" value="{$ctx:status}" />
                                                   <with-param name="message" value="{$ctx:message}" />
                                                <script language="js">
                                                      var caseSubject=mc.getProperty('zohocrm.caseSubject');
                                                      var caseDescription=mc.getProperty('zohocrm.caseDescription');
                                                      var potentialId=mc.getProperty('zohocrm.potentialId');
                                                      var caseReportedBy=mc.getProperty('zohocrm.caseReportedBy');
                                                      var caseEmail=mc.getProperty('zohocrm.caseEmail');
                                                      //constructing the xml data in order to create the case in ZohoCrm                                                                                                                               
                                                      var xmlData="<Cases> <row no=\"1\"><FL val=\"Status\">New</FL><FL val=\"Subject\">"+caseSubject+"</FL><FL val=\"Description\">"+caseDescription+"</FL><FL val=\"POTENTIALID\">"+potentialId+"</FL><FL val=\"Reported By\">"+caseReportedBy+"</FL><FL val=\"Email\">"+caseEmail+"</FL><FL val=\"Case Origin\">Web</FL><FL val=\"Priority\">Medium</FL><FL val=\"Case Reason\">New Problem</FL></row></Cases>";                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
                                                      mc.setProperty('zohocrm.caseXMLData', xmlData);
                                                <!-- Calling insert record method in ZohoCRM to create a new case for the potential -->
                                                <property name="zohocrm.caseId" expression="json-eval($.response.result.recorddetail.FL[0].content)" />
                                                <!-- Checking the status of case creation in ZohoCRM -->
                                                <filter source="boolean(get-property('zohocrm.caseId'))" regex="false">
                                                      <property name="id" expression="fn:concat('jotform_submissionId:',get-property('jotform.submissionId'))" />
                                                      <property name="message" expression="json-eval($)" />
                                                      <call-template target="responseHandlerTemplate">
                                                         <with-param name="id" value="{$ctx:id}" />
                                                         <with-param name="activity" value="zohocrm_createCase" />
                                                         <with-param name="status" value="Error" />
                                                         <with-param name="message" value="{$ctx:message}" />
                                                      <property name="id"
                                                         expression="fn:concat('jotform_submissionId:',get-property('jotform.submissionId'),',zohocrm_caseId:',get-property('zohocrm.caseId'))" />
                                                      <call-template target="responseHandlerTemplate">
                                                         <with-param name="id" value="{$ctx:id}" />
                                                         <with-param name="activity" value="zohocrm_createCase" />
                                                         <with-param name="status" value="Success" />
                                                         <with-param name="message" value="Case is successfully created." />
                                                      <!-- Updating the form submission by calling updateSubmission method in JotForm to change flag value as '1' after case creation -->
                                                      <property name="jotform.submissionUpdateStatus" expression="json-eval($.message)" />
                                                      <!-- Return Error response only if the update submission is failed -->
                                                      <filter xpath="get-property('jotform.submissionUpdateStatus')!='success'">
                                                            <property name="id" expression="fn:concat('jotform_submissionId:',get-property('jotform.submissionId'))" />
                                                            <property name="message" expression="json-eval($)" />
                                                            <call-template target="responseHandlerTemplate">
                                                               <with-param name="id" value="{$ctx:id}" />
                                                               <with-param name="activity" value="jotform_updateSubmission" />
                                                               <with-param name="status" value="Error" />
                                                               <with-param name="message" value="{$ctx:message}" />
                              <property name="submissionIndex" expression="get-property('operation', 'submissionIndex')+1" scope="operation" />
                              <filter xpath="get-property('operation','submissionIndex')=get-property('operation','submissionCount')">
                                    <loopback />
                     <!--FOR EACH submissions : END -->
               <filter source="$axis2:HTTP_SC" regex="404">
                     <property name="id" value="{}" />
                     <property name="status" value="Skipped" />
                     <property name="message" value="No submission(s) for this form." />
                     <property name="id" value="{}" />
                     <property name="status" value="Error" />
                     <property name="message" expression="json-eval($)" />
               <call-template target="responseHandlerTemplate">
                  <with-param name="id" value="{$ctx:id}" />
                  <with-param name="activity" value="zohocrm_createCase" />
                  <with-param name="status" value="{$ctx:status}" />
                  <with-param name="message" value="{$ctx:message}" />
               <loopback />
         <payloadFactory media-type="json">
               <arg expression="get-property('operation','responseString')" />
         <property name="messageType" value="application/json" scope="axis2" />
         <send />
Sample Request for retrieving form submission details from JotForm and creating new cases in Zoho CRM


 The following are the parameter descriptions:

  • jotform.formId: The ID of the form created as a prerequisite.

All the rest of the parameters are API URLs and authentication credentials to access each API specified in the request. Refer to the individual connector methods for clarification.