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Configuring Outlook Mail Operations

To use the Outlook Mail connector, add the  <outlookmail.init>  element in your configuration before carrying out any other Outlook Mail operations. For every request to the Outlook Mail API, you should include an authorization token. Getting an access token requires you to have registered and identified your app, and obtained the appropriate authorization. For more information on authentication, see

You must register your app with Azure AD before working with the Outlook Mail Connector. For more details see


accessToken: The value of the Access Token to access the Outlook Mail API via request.

refreshToken: An OAuth 2.0 refresh token. The application can use this token acquire additional access tokens after the current access token expires.

clientSecret: The value of the key that contains the client password.

clientId: The client ID of the client application that is registered in Azure AD.

resource: The App ID URI of the web API. (Possible value is

redirectUri: Specifies the reply URL of the application. The value must match the value of the redirect_uri parameter in the authorization code request.

registryPath: Registry Path of the connector where the values are stored.  If not provided, it defaults to "connectors/OutlookMail".

intervalTime: The Interval time in milliseconds to check the accessToken validity. (After 60 minutes the access token becomes invalid.), If not provided, it defaults to "50 minutes".

apiUrl: The API URL of Outlook Mail.

apiVersion:The version of Outlook Mail API.

Now that you have connected to Outlook Mail, use the information in the following topics to perform various operations with the connector.

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