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Working with Create Entities


The following operation allows you to work with create entities.



Create an entity using Web API.

For a sample proxy service that illustrates how to work with create entities, see Sample configuration.

Operation details

Following is more information about each of the operations.

Create an Entity

To create an entity using the Web API, use msdynamics365.createEntity.

  • <entityType>: Mandatory. The type of an entity (i.e., accounts, opportunities, contacts etc).
  • <bodyContent>: Mandatory. The body content to create an entity in a different way.
  • <queryParam>: Mandatory. Based on query parameters, the requested data will return in the response.
Sample request

Following is a sample REST/JSON request that can be handled by the createEntity operation in a different way.

Sample Request for Basic Create
       "bodyContent": {"name":"my account"}

You can create entities related to each other by defining them as navigation property values. This is known as deep insert.

Sample Request for Deep Insert
       "bodyContent": {"name": "Sample Account","primarycontactid":{"firstname": "John"},"opportunity_customer_accounts":[{"name": "Opportunity associated to Sample 	 
						Account","Opportunity_Tasks":[{ "subject": "Task associated to opportunity" }]}]}

To associate new entities to existing entities when they are created, you must set the value of single-valued navigation properties using the@odata.bind annotation.

Sample Request for Associate Entities on Create
       	"bodyContent": {"name": "Sample Account","primarycontactid@odata.bind":"/contacts(00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001)"}

When the entity is created, the requested data is returned in the response.

Sample Request for Create Entities WIth Data Returned
       	"bodyContent": {"name": "Sample Account","creditonhold": false,"address1_latitude": 47.639583,"description": "test","revenue": 5000000,"accountcategorycode": 1},

For documentation on creating an entity using the Web API, see

Sample configuration

Following is a sample proxy service that illustrates how to connect to Microsoft Dynamics 365 with the init operation and use the createEntity operation. You can find the sample request for this proxy above.

Sample Proxy
<proxy xmlns=""
           	<property expression="json-eval($.apiUrl)" name="apiUrl"/>
			<property expression="json-eval($.accessToken)" name="accessToken"/>
			<property expression="json-eval($.entityType)" name="entityType"/>
			<property expression="json-eval($.bodyContent)" name="bodyContent"/>
			<property expression="json-eval($.apiVersion)" name="apiVersion"/>
			<property expression="json-eval($.refreshToken)" name="refreshToken"/>
			<property expression="json-eval($.clientSecret)" name="clientSecret"/>
			<property expression="json-eval($.clientId)" name="clientId"/>
			<property expression="json-eval($.resource)" name="resource"/>
			<property expression="json-eval($.registryPath)" name="registryPath"/>
			<property expression="json-eval($.intervalTime)" name="intervalTime"/>
			<property expression="json-eval($.queryParam)" name="queryParam"/>