Working with Projects in JIRA

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Working with Projects in JIRA

The following operations are available for working with projects.Click an operation name to see details on how to use it.

For a sample proxy service that illustrates how to work with projects, see Sample configuration .



Gets information about a project.


Gets all avatars available for a project that are visible to the current user.


Deletes an avatar from a project.


Gets all the components of a project.


Gets the issue types and their valid status values for a project.


Gets all the versions of a project.


Gets all the roles in a project.


Gets details on a specific role.


Gets a list of users that match the search string.

setActorsToRoleOfProject Assigns users to a role in a project.

Following is more information about these operations.

Getting information about a project

To get information about a specific project, use getProject and specify the project key. This operation returns a JSON representation of the entire project, including name, ID, components, and more.

  • projectIdOrKey: The Identifier the project whose information you want to get.
  • expand : The parameters to expand.
Sample request

Following is a sample REST/JSON request that can be handled by the getProject operation.

Sample request for getProject
Related JIRA API



Getting avatars for a project

To get the avatars available for a specific project, use getAvatarsForProject and specify the project key. This operation returns a JSON representation of the avatars, including their name, ID, and whether the avatar is currently selected for the project.

  • projectIdOrKey: The Identifier the project whose information you want to get.
Sample request

Following is a sample REST/JSON request that can be handled by the getAvatarsForProject operation.

Sample request for getAvatarsForProject
Related JIRA API


Deleting an avatar from a project

To delete an avatar from a project, use deleteAvatarForProject and specify the project key and avatar ID.

  • projectIdOrKey: The Identifier the project whose information you want to get.
  • avatarId: Identifies the avatar to delete.
Sample request

Following is a sample REST/JSON request that can be handled by the deleteAvatarForProject operation.

Sample request for deleteAvatarForProject
Related JIRA API


Getting components of a project

To get the components of a specific project, use getComponentsOfProject and specify the project key. This operation returns a JSON representation of the components, including their name, ID, and avatars.

  • projectIdOrKey: The Identifier the project whose information you want to get.
Sample request

Following is a sample REST/JSON request that can be handled by the getComponentsOfProject operation.

Sample request for getComponentsOfProject
Related JIRA API


Getting statuses of a project

To get the statuses of a specific project, usegetStatusesOfProject and specify the project key. This operation returns a JSON representation of each issue type in the project and their statuses.

  • projectIdOrKey: The Identifier the project whose information you want to get.
Sample request

Following is a sample REST/JSON request that can be handled by the getStatusesOfProject operation.

Sample request for getStatusesOfProject
Related JIRA API


Getting versions of a project

To get the versions of a specific project, use getVersionsOfProject and specify the project key. This operation returns a JSON representation of the list of versions in the project.

  • projectIdOrKey: The Identifier the project whose information you want to get.
Sample request

Following is a sample REST/JSON request that can be handled by the getVersionsOfProject operation.

Sample request for getVersionsOfProject
Related JIRA API


Getting roles of a project

To get the roles of a specific project, use getRolesOfProject and specify the project key. This operation returns a JSON representation of the list of roles in the project, including each role's name and a link to more details.

  • projectKey: The Identifier the project whose information you want to get.

Sample request

Following is a sample REST/JSON request that can be handled by the getRolesOfProject operation.

Sample request for getRolesOfProject
Related JIRA API


Getting information on a role

To get information about a specific role, use getRolesByIdOfProject and specify the project key and role ID. This operation returns a JSON representation of the role, including its name, ID, actors, and more.

  • projectIdOrKey: The Identifier the project whose information you want to get.
  • roleId: Identifies the role whose information you want to get.
Sample request

Following is a sample REST/JSON request that can be handled by the getRolesByIdOfProject operation.

Sample request for getRolesByIdOfProject
Related JIRA API


 Returns a list of users can be assigned issues for all the given projects

To get list of users that match the search string and can be assigned issues for all the given projects, use getUserAssignableProjects

  • projectKeys : The keys of the projects we are finding assignable users for, comma-separated.
  • usernameForSearch : The username for search.
  • maxResults : The maximum number of users to return .
  • startAt : The index of the first user to return .
Sample request

Following is a sample REST/JSON request that can be handled by the getUserAssignableProjects operation.

Sample request for getUserAssignableProjects
Related JIRA API


Assigning users to a role

To assign one or more users to a specific role in a project, use setActorsToRoleOfProject, specify the project key and role ID, and specify the users in the payload. You can specify individual users or groups.

  • projectIdOrKey: The Identifier the project whose information you want to get.
  • roleId: Identifies the role whose information you want to get.
  • roles: The users who you want to assign.
Sample request

Following is a sample REST/JSON request that can be handled by the setActorsToRoleOfProject operation.

Sample request for setActorsToRoleOfProject
    "roles":{"user" :["James"]}
Related JIRA API


Sample Configuration

Following is a sample proxy service that illustrates how to connect to Jira with the init operation and use the setActorsToRoleOfProject operation. The sample request for this proxy can be found in   setActorsToRoleOfProject sample request . You can use this sample as a template for using other operations in this category.

Sample proxy
<proxy xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/ns/synapse"
         <property name="username" expression="json-eval($.username)"/>
         <property name="password" expression="json-eval($.password)"/>
         <property name="uri" expression="json-eval($.uri)"/>
         <property name="projectIdOrKey" expression="json-eval($.projectIdOrKey)"/>
         <property name="roleId" expression="json-eval($.roleId)"/>
         <property name="roles" expression="json-eval($.roles)"/>
         <log level="full"/>