Working with Users in JIRA

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Working with Users in JIRA

The following operations are available for working with users.Click an operation name to see details on how to use it.

For a sample proxy service that illustrates how to work with users, see Sample configuration .

The following operations are available for working with users:

getUser Gets information for the specified user.
getUserPermissions Gets the permissions for the current user.
searchUser Gets a list of users that match a search string.
searchIssueViewableUsers Gets a list of users that match a search string and have permission to view the specified issue or project.
searchAssignableUser Gets a list of users that match a search string and can be assigned the specified issue.


Following is more information about these operations.

Getting information on a user

To get information about a specified user, use getUser and specify the username.

  • usernameFilter : Identifies the user whose information you want to get.
  • key : The user key.
Sample request

Following is a sample REST/JSON request that can be handled by the getUser operation.

Sample request for getUser
Related JIRA API


Getting the current user's permissions

To get information on the current user's permissions, use getUserPermissions. You can optionally provide a specific context for which you want to get permissions (projectKey OR projectId OR issueKey OR issueId).

  • projectKey or projectId :  Identifies the project for which you want to determine the current user's permissions.
  • issueKey or issueId :  Identifies the issue for which you want to determine the current user's permissions.
Sample request

Following is a sample REST/JSON request that can be handled by the getUserPermissions operation.

Sample request for getUserPermissions
Related JIRA API


Searching for users

To search for users whose username, name, or email address match a search string, use jira.searchUser and specify the search string.

  • usernameForSearch: The search string used to search the username, name, or email address.
  • startAt: Optional. The 0-based index of the first user to return (default is 0).
  • maxResults: Optional. The maximum number of users to return, up to 1000 (default is 50).
  • includeActive: Optional. Whether to return active users (default is true).
  • includeInactive: Optional. Whether to return inactive users (default is false).
Sample request

Following is a sample REST/JSON request that can be handled by the getUserPermissions operation.

Sample request for getUserPermissions
Related JIRA API


Searching for users who can view an issue or project

To search for users whose username, name, or email address match a search string and have permission to view the specified issue or project, use searchIssueViewableUsers and specify the search string and issue key or project key.

  • username: The search string used to search the username, name, or email address.
  • issueKey: Identifies the issue that users must have permission to view to be included in the results.
  • projectKey: If you want to search for users who can browse a project instead of a specific issue, specify projectKey instead of issueKey.
  • startAt: Optional. The 0-based index of the first user to return (default is 0).
  • maxResults: Optional. The maximum number of users to return, up to 1000 (default is 50).
Sample request

Following is a sample REST/JSON request that can be handled by the searchIssueViewableUsers operation.

Sample request for searchIssueViewableUsers
Related JIRA API


Searching for users who can be assigned to an issue

To search for users whose username, name, or email address match a search string and can be assigned to a specific issue, use searchAssignableUser. You specify the search string and either the project key (if getting users for a new issue you are creating) or the issue key (if getting users for an existing issue you are editing).

  • usernameForSearch: The search string used to search the username, name, or email address.
  • project: Identifies the project in which you are creating a new issue and want to get a list of users who can be assigned to it.
  • issueKey: Identifies the issue you are editing so you can get a list of users who can be assigned to it.
  • startAt: Optional. The 0-based index of the first user to return (default is 0).
  • maxResults: Optional. The maximum number of users to return, up to 1000 (default is 50).
  • actionDescriptorId: Optional.The id of the workflow action.
Sample request

Following is a sample REST/JSON request that can be handled by the searchAssignableUser operation.

Sample request for searchAssignableUser
Related JIRA API


Sample Configuration

Following is a sample proxy service that illustrates how to connect to Jira with the init operation and use the getUser operation. The sample request for this proxy can be found in getUser sample request . You can use this sample as a template for using other operations in this category.

Sample proxy
<proxy xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/ns/synapse"
       transports="https http"
         <property name="username" expression="json-eval($.username)"/>
         <property name="password" expression="json-eval($.password)"/>
         <property name="uri" expression="json-eval($.uri)"/>
         <property name="usernameFilter" expression="json-eval($.usernameFilter)"/>
         <property name="key" expression="json-eval($.key)"/>
         <log level="full"/>

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