Configuring Salesforce Operations

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Configuring Salesforce Operations

To use the Salesforce connector, add the  <salesforcerest.init> operation in your configuration before carrying out any other Salesforce operations.

The Salesforce REST API can use the OAuth2 authentication with access token. For more information on authentication, see https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api_rest.meta/api_rest/quickstart_oauth.html.

Before you start performing various operations with the connector, make sure to import the Salesforce certificate to your ESB client keystore.

Follow the steps below to import the Salesforce certificate into the ESB client keystore:

  1. Go to your Salesforce account (e.g.,https://ap2.salesforce.com), and click the lock icon on the address bar to view the certificate.
  2. Have a look at the certificate details and export the certificate to the file system.
  3. Import the certificate into the ESB client keystore via the Management Console or by running the following command.

    keytool -importcert -file <certificate file> -keystore <ESB>/repository/resources/security/client-truststore.jks -alias "SFDCCertImport"
  4. Restart the server and deploy the Salesforce configuration. In this case, you can define the registry path where you can store the variables, then use the init operation with defining registry path to configure the Salesforce REST connector.

In this connector we have two flow to get the accessToken. First one is the  Web Server OAuth Authentication Flow and the other one is  Username-Password OAuth Authentication Flow.

  • apiVersion: The version of Salesforce API.
  • accessToken: Value of the access token to access the API via request.
  • apiUrl: The instance URL for your organization.
  • refreshToken: Value of the refresh token.
  • clientId: Value of your client ID given when you registered your application with Salesforce.
  • clientSecret: Value of your client secret given when you registered your application with Salesforce.
  • hostName: SalesforceOAuth endpoint when issuing authentication requests in your application.
  • intervalTime: The Interval time in milliseconds to check the access token validity.
  • registryPath: Registry path of the connector where the values are stored. You must give the value as : connectors/<value>
    For example: registryPath = "connectors/salesforcerest".
Sample request

Following is a sample REST request that can be handled by the init operation.

Sample Request for init method
  "clientId": "3MVG9ZL0ppGP5UrBztM9gSLYyUe7VwAVhD9.yQnZX2mmCu_48Uwc._doxrBTgY4jqmOSDhxRAiUBf8gCr2mk7",
  "refreshToken": "5Aep861TSESvWeug_ztpnAk6BGQxRdovMLhHso81iyYKO6hTm6kHoL4.YfwIi9cHLwga.pPTsTuJlmKjo05x.o.",
  "clientSecret": "1187341468789253319",
  "hostName": "https://login.salesforce.com",
  "apiVersion": "v32.0",
  "intervalTime" : "100000",
Related  documentation



init for username password flow
  • apiUrl: The instance URL for your organization.
  • clientId: The value of your client ID given when you registered your application with Salesforce.
  • clientSecret: The Value of your client secret given when you registered your application with Salesforce.
  • hostName: SalesforceOAuth endpoint when issuing authentication requests in your application.
  • apiVersion: The version of Salesforce API
  • username: The username for the salesforce.
  • password: The password for the salesforce (Need to append the password with security key).

Following is a sample REST request that can be handled by the init operation for username and password flow.

Sample request for init method for username password flow
  "clientId": "3MVG9ZL0ppGP5UrBztM9gSLYyUe7VwAVhD9.yQnZX2mmCu_48Uwc._doxrBTgY4jqmOSDhxRAiUBf8gCr2mk7",
  "clientSecret": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "hostName": "https://login.salesforce.com",
  "apiVersion": "v32.0",
  "username": "tharis63@outlook.com",
  "password": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
Related  documentation


Next steps

Now that you have connected to Salesforce, use the information in the following topics to perform various operations with the connector. Also, see Configuring the Salesforce REST API Connector Fault Handler Sequence.


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