Working with Quick Actions

This site contains the documentation that is relevant to older WSO2 product versions and offerings.
For the latest WSO2 documentation, visit https://wso2.com/documentation/.

Working with Quick Actions


The following operations allow you to work with Quick Actions. Click an operation name to see details on how to use it.

For a sample proxy service that illustrates how to work with Quick Actions, see Sample configuration

quickActionsRetrieves a list of global actions.
sObjectActionRetrieves a list of object-specific actions.


Retrieves a specific action for a specific object.
getDescribeSpecificActionRetrieves the description of a specific action for a specific object.
getDefaultValueOfActionRetrieves a specific action’s default values, including default field values.

Operation details

This section provides further details on the operations related to Quick Actions. Quick Actions return a list of global actions and object-specific actions.

Retrieving quick actions

To retrieve a list of global actions, use salesforcerest.quickActions.

Sample request

Following is a sample REST request that can be handled by the quickActions operation.

Sample request for quickActions operation
  "clientId": "3MVG9ZL0ppGP5UrBrnsanGUZRgHqc8gTV4t_6tfuef8Zz4LhFPipmlooU6GBszpplbTzVXXWjqkGHubhRip1s",
  "refreshToken": "5Aep861TSESvWeug_xvFHRBTTbf_YrTWgEyjBJo7Xr34yOQ7GCFUN5DnNPxzDIoGoWi4evqOl_lT1B9nE5dAtSb",
  "clientSecret": "9104967092887676680",
  "hostName": "https://login.salesforce.com",
  "intervalTime" : "100000",
  "apiVersion": "v32.0",
  "registryPath": "connectors/SalesforceRest"
Related Salesforce REST documentation


Retrieving quick actions for a specific object

To retrieve a list of object-specific actions, use salesforcerest.sObjectAction and specify the following property.

  • sObjectName: The type of object for which you want to retrieve a list of quick actions.
Sample request

Following is a sample REST request that can be handled by the sObjectAction operation.

Sample request for sObjectAction operation
  "clientId": "3MVG9ZL0ppGP5UrBrnsanGUZRgHqc8gTV4t_6tfuef8Zz4LhFPipmlooU6GBszpplbTzVXXWjqkGHubhRip1s",
  "refreshToken": "5Aep861TSESvWeug_xvFHRBTTbf_YrTWgEyjBJo7Xr34yOQ7GCFUN5DnNPxzDIoGoWi4evqOl_lT1B9nE5dAtSb",
  "clientSecret": "9104967092887676680",
  "hostName": "https://login.salesforce.com",
  "intervalTime" : "100000",
  "apiVersion": "v32.0",
  "sObjectName": "Account",
  "registryPath": "connectors/SalesforceRest"
Related Salesforce REST documentation


Retrieving a specific action

To retrieve a specific action, use salesforcerest.getSpecificAction and specify the following properties.

  • actionName: The action to return.
Sample request

Following is a sample REST request that can be handled by the getSpecificAction operation.

Sample request for getSpecificAction operation
  "clientId": "3MVG9ZL0ppGP5UrBrnsanGUZRgHqc8gTV4t_6tfuef8Zz4LhFPipmlooU6GBszpplbTzVXXWjqkGHubhRip1s",
  "refreshToken": "5Aep861TSESvWeug_xvFHRBTTbf_YrTWgEyjBJo7Xr34yOQ7GCFUN5DnNPxzDIoGoWi4evqOl_lT1B9nE5dAtSb",
  "clientSecret": "9104967092887676680",
  "hostName": "https://login.salesforce.com",
  "intervalTime" : "100000",
  "apiVersion": "v32.0",
  "registryPath": "connectors/SalesforceRest"
Related Salesforce REST documentation


Retrieving the description of a specific action

To retrieve the description of a specific action, use salesforcerest.getDescribeSpecificAction and specify the following properties.

  • actionName: The action whose description you want to retrieve.
Sample request

Following is a sample REST request that can be handled by the getDescribeSpecificAction operation.

Sample request for getDescribeSpecificAction operation
  "clientId": "3MVG9ZL0ppGP5UrBrnsanGUZRgHqc8gTV4t_6tfuef8Zz4LhFPipmlooU6GBszpplbTzVXXWjqkGHubhRip1s",
  "refreshToken": "5Aep861TSESvWeug_xvFHRBTTbf_YrTWgEyjBJo7Xr34yOQ7GCFUN5DnNPxzDIoGoWi4evqOl_lT1B9nE5dAtSb",
  "clientSecret": "9104967092887676680",
  "hostName": "https://login.salesforce.com",
  "intervalTime" : "100000",
  "apiVersion": "v32.0",
  "registryPath": "connectors/SalesforceRest"
Related Salesforce REST documentation


Retrieving a specific action’s default values

To return a specific action’s default values, including default field values, use salesforcerest.getDefaultValueOfAction and specify the following properties.

  • actionName: The specific action.
Sample request

Following is a sample REST request that can be handled by the getDefaultValueOfAction operation.

Sample request for getDefaultValueOfAction operation
  "clientId": "3MVG9ZL0ppGP5UrBrnsanGUZRgHqc8gTV4t_6tfuef8Zz4LhFPipmlooU6GBszpplbTzVXXWjqkGHubhRip1s",
  "refreshToken": "5Aep861TSESvWeug_xvFHRBTTbf_YrTWgEyjBJo7Xr34yOQ7GCFUN5DnNPxzDIoGoWi4evqOl_lT1B9nE5dAtSb",
  "clientSecret": "9104967092887676680",
  "hostName": "https://login.salesforce.com",
  "intervalTime" : "100000",
  "apiVersion": "v32.0",
  "registryPath": "connectors/SalesforceRest"
Related Salesforce REST documentation


Sample configuration

Following is a sample proxy service that illustrates how to connect to Salesforce with the init operation and then use the getSpecificAction operation. The sample request for this proxy can be found in the getSpecificAction sample request.

Sample Proxy
<proxy xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/ns/synapse" name="getSpecificAction"
       statistics="disable" trace="disable" transports="https http">
            <property name="accessToken" expression="json-eval($.accessToken)"/>
            <property name="apiUrl" expression="json-eval($.apiUrl)"/>
            <property name="actionName" expression="json-eval($.actionName)"/>
            <property name="clientId" expression="json-eval($.clientId)"/>
            <property name="refreshToken" expression="json-eval($.refreshToken)"/>
            <property name="clientSecret" expression="json-eval($.clientSecret)"/>
            <property name="hostName" expression="json-eval($.hostName)"/>
            <property name="apiVersion" expression="json-eval($.apiVersion)"/>
            <property name="registryPath" expression="json-eval($.registryPath)"/>
			<property name="intervalTime" expression="json-eval($.intervalTime)"/>
            <log category="INFO" level="full" separator=","/>

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